HSK podnio kaznenu prijavu protiv Dane Budisavljević

HSK podnio kaznenu prijavu protiv Dane Budisavljević

Film „Dnevnik Diane Budisavljević“ kojeg je režirala Dana Budisavljević prikazan je kao dokumentarni film. Naime, prikazani film u sebi sadrži mnoštvo neistina i laži i nažalost kao takav uvrštenje u školski kurikulum, a da je tomu tako obrazlažemo na sljedeći način.
1. U filmu nema objašnjenja kako je Diana Budisavljević spasila deset tisuća djece. Film je posvećen spašavanju tisuća djece, a ne vidi se kako su spašena. To je učinjeno da bi se sakrila uloga režima koji je spašavanje ne samo dopustio, nego ga je i naredio. Povijest kaže da su državne službe na kraju akcije spašavanja izvjestile poglavnika Pavelića o provedenoj zadaći koju im je bio naredio. Čak je i list srpske nacionalne manjine„Novosti“, primijetio da gledatelj do kraja filma ne dobiva odgovor kako je to gđa Budisavljević „spasila tisuće djece iz logora“. I stvarno, toga nema u filmu, osim neke maglovite naznake da su „neki dobri nacisti nešto natjerali ustaše“.
Ministarstvo udružbe, po „nalogu Poglavnika“, 29. srpnja 1942. zatražilo od Ravnateljstva Hrvatskih državnih željeznica da stavi na raspolaganje vlakove za prijevoz kozaračke djece u Jastrebarsko. Poslije rata je izjavu o tim danima dala Tatjana Marinić, koja je došla iz partizana i otela Dianinu kartoteku u ime nove vlasti:
„Dana 1. srpnja 1942. doveli su činovnici tzv. ministarstva udružbe NDH 850 djece koju su sakupili s Kozare i okolnih sela te odveli u Staru Gradišku, a iz Stare Gradiške doveli u Jastrebarsko.“ Takoje govorila gđa Marinić –načelnica Ministarstva socijalne politike u novoj vlasti, inače autorica mnogih kleveta o radu časnih sestara, Caritasa i drugih sudionika zbrinjavanja djece u NDH (nažalost njezino ime još i danas nose neki dječji vrtići). Dakleje čak i ona spomenula djelovanje ustaške vlasti, a film to izostavlja.
2. U filmu se ne spominju liječnici koje je u pomoć djeci slalo Ministarstvo zdravstva, ni druge aktivnosti Ministarstva udružbe NDH. Ne spominju se preminule časne sestre i ostali preminuli koji su se zarazili od djece dok su pomagali. Ne spominje se da su aktivirane državne željeznice i cijeli državni sustav za spašavanje djece. Nema spomena g. Kamila Breslera, jednog od državnih službenika s važnom ulogom u smještaju djece. A pošten dokumentarni film o spašavanju djece sve to nikako nije smio zatajiti, jer to nije političko pitanje nego pitanje –istine o spašavanju te djece.
3. Općenito se u filmu stradanja Srba nastoji povezati s tragičnom sudbinom Židova u Drugom svjetskom ratu – iako tema kozaračke siročadi nema nikakve konkretne veze sa stradanjima Židova. Naime, na početku filma, koji treba opisati pomaganje Diane Budisavljević pravoslavnim ženama i djeci, prikazani su kadrovi rušenja zagrebačke židovske sinagoge. Diana s krojačicom razgovara o logorima u Njemačkoj. Istodobno se ne objašnjava zašto je u Loborgradu 200 pravoslavnih žena s djecom, nego se sugerira da je to odvođenje u neki oblik logora, nešto što će se dogoditi svim pravoslavnima u Hrvatskoj. Taj postupak autora filma je krivotvorenje i propaganda s pomoću poluistina i neistina.
4. Na susretu s nadbiskupom Stepincem glumica gđa Alma Prica kao Diana gotovo viče, predbacuje nadbiskupu da je „njihov ispovjednik“. To odgovara velikosrpskoj definiciji Bl. Alojzija Stepinca kao „ustaškog vikara“ koji je „pravoslavce pokrštavao“. Film prikazuje Stepinca kao kukavicu, kolebljivca i „ustaškog ispovjednika“, a istina je da se radi o dobrotvoru razine blaženika i sveca. U filmu se Stepinac pred Dianom zbunjeno povlači prema prozoru i zamuckujući govori da je bio protiv vjerskih prelazaka pod prijetnjom oružjem… U Dnevniku taj susret nosi datum 26. svibnja 1942., a tada su već odavno prestali vjerski prelazi i počeo je drugačiji odnos prema pravoslavnima. Opet laž i krivotvorina.
5. Film površno, jednostrano i pristrano prikazuje složene povijesne okolnosti tog vremena. U filmu suprug gđe Diane, dr. Julije Budisavljević, pročelnik kirurške klinike (!), pokazuje iskaznicu na kojoj piše „Srbin 498“, koju mu je izdala državna administracija. I tu je prisutna manipulacija: riječ je o tzv. srpskoj iskaznici koju su samo u lipnju 1941., nakon obvezne prijave, dobivali građani srpske narodnosti u nekim gradovima – primjerice, u Zagrebu. Na iskaznici je bio broj i ime vlasnika iskaznice, kao što postoji na svakoj osobnoj iskaznici. Pokazujući u sceni da je Budisavljević dobio ime „Srbin 498“, sugerira se da su vlasti njega i druge Srbe namjerno dehumanizirale, pretvarajući ih samo u nacionalnost i broj.
6. Uređivanje odnosa s manjinskim srpsko-pravoslavnim stanovništvom bio je proces koji su u kolovozu 1941. započeli u razgovorima poglavnik Ante Pavelić i njegov prijatelj, sarajevski odvjetnik pravoslavne vjere, Savo Besarović. Prešućuje se činjenica iz Dnevnika da je Savo Besarović bio u vladi NDH. Na zasjedanju Hrvatskog državnog sabora, gdje se već mogao nazrijeti novi smjer unutrašnje politike, Savo Besarović je dobio istaknutu funkciju, a uskoro je ušao i u vladu ND Hrvatske, sve do kraja rata. To pokazuje nastojanje NDH da normalizira odnose sa Srbima. Dolaskom partizana Savo Besarović je osuđen na smrt i ubijen. Ništa od toga u filmu nema, iako D. Budisavljević spominje g. Besarovića u svojem dnevniku.
7. U filmu je izmišljeno nasilje policijskih agenata u stanu Diane Budisavljević, kojeg u njezinu Dnevniku nema. Kao što je gore rečeno, Savo Besarović u filmu nije spomenut iako je prema Dnevniku, zajedno sa zapovjednikom UNS-a Eugenom Kvatrenikom intervenirao kad je čuo da su dva policijska agenta došla u stan Budisavljevićevih, gdje su se upravo slagali paketi za zatočene s limunom, češnjakom, šećerom i soli.
8. U filmu je izostavljeno objašnjenje iz Dnevnika da je netko dan ranije gđu Budisavljević prijavio da je preko jedne špediterske firme poslala kamion pun robe – partizanima. Agenti su pretraživali stan i u potrazi za navodnom radio stanicom. Jedan ormar je bio zaključan pa je kći gđe Budisavljević otišla u svoj stan po njega. U dnevničkom zapisu nema nikava nasilja, razbijanja i prijetnji. Tek najava agenata da će zatečeni u stanu biti pritvoreni, ali se od toga odustalo na intervenciju Kvaternika i Besarovića. U filmu pak agenti razbacuju pakete i voće po podu i sikću: „Sve Srbi!“, uz, očekivano, dramatičnu glazbu koja treba pojačati dojam državne represije. A Diana Budisavljević, kako sama piše u dnevniku, sutradan odlazi u Ravnateljstvo ustaškog redarstva gdje je od službenika Vilka Kühnela dobila i pisanu dozvolu za svoj rad i vođenje skupine za prikupljanje pomoći!
9. U filmu Diana Budisavljević objašnjava njemačkom feldvebelu (naredniku) da vodi „privatnu akciju“ pomaganja. Kako je moguće, i kako je uopće zamislivo, da se u totalitarnom režimu i u uvjetima ratnog režima tako golema humanitarna akcija vodi privatno?
10. U filmu jedna baka govori: „Najteže je bilo kad se biralo tko će ići u bolnicu, a tko u – Savu!“ To je toliko daleko od Dnevnika i toliko sramotno podmetanje da se može svrstati samo u najodurnije velikosrpske laži iz pedesetih godina prošloga stoljeća! Također, sugestivno se koriste i izjave četiriju korisnika Dianine pomoći. Ljudi koji su tada bili djeca zapravo se i ne sjećaju većine onoga što im se događalo. Korektan autor trebao bi biti vrlo pažljiv pri odabiru njihovih riječi za film.
11. Autori filma u svojem uratku sugeriraju da se majka Eugena Dide Kvaternika ubila jer je bila potresena zbog onoga što njezin sin radi Židovima i Srbima. Nijemac Von Kotzian, koji je u stvarnosti bio u vodstvu cijele akcije odvođenja majki i očeva i njihova odvajanja od te djece kao jedan od povjerenika njemačke radne službe u Zagrebu, prikazan je kao žovijalni džetseter iz Espanade, koji na spominjanje Eugena Kvaternika zacvrkuće: „Ah, pa njegova majka je Židovka“ i dodaje: „nedavno se ubila“. Kakve to veze ima sa sadržajem dokumentarnog filma o spašavanju djece? Kvaternikova majka Olga, umrla je 31. kolovoza 1941. godine pa je nejasno kakve ima veze dnevnikom Diane Budisavljević koji počinje u listopadu 1942. g. Veza Kvaternikove majke sa židovstvom potpuno je nejasna: majka joj je bila Dora pl. Martini, kći austrougarskog pukovnika rodom iz Tirola i Katarine pl. Nemičić iz stare hrvatske vojničke obitelji. Jedna od slabosti ovog filma je i ponavljanje takvih tračeva i ogovaranja, iako se tvrdi da film, opisuje „istinite događaje“.
12. Jedna žena Srpkinja je bila u Loborgradu pa se „sjeća“ kako su djeca oko nje umirala, iako među tih 200 zatočenica s djecom bio vrlo mali broj smrtnih slučajeva, svakako neusporediv s postocima u drugim sabiralištima gdje su djeca dolazila zaražena raznim bolestima. Tih 200 žena iz Loborgrada u travnju 1942. pušteno je iz internacije. Najveći dio upućen je vlakom u Beograd gdje su dale izjave Nedićevom uredu za izbjeglice. Opisale u za to ratno vrijeme, razmjerno podnošljive uvjete života u Loboru. Potvrđuju to i dokumenti koje je moguće pronaći u Hrvatskom državnom arhivu.
13. U jednom kadru neki čovjek govori: „Ne će oni zimu preživjeti ako im se ne pomogne…“. Općenito je zima u filmu važan element sugestivno-emocionalnih napora redateljice. Osim što je cijeli film u crno-bijeloj tehnici, cijelo vrijeme je i zima, ili barem kasna jesen, s magluštinom koja se vuče između oronulih zidova nekadašnjih kaznionica. To je u neskladu s činjenicom da se glavnina događaja o kojima film govori zbivala u proljeće, ljeto i jesen 1942. g.
14. Glumica Alma Prica koja glumi Dianu Budisavljević u filmu izgovara ovaj tekst: “Na velikoj livadi pored bolnice borave žena i djeca koja još nisu razdvojena. Majke se nadaju da će uskoro kućama. Ne žele mi predati djecu. A ja znam što ih čeka. Govorim im da sam i sama majka, da mi je suprug liječnik, pravoslavac, da ćemo djecu smjestiti u domove, da žemo se brinuti za njih dok ne budu oslobođene… “U Dnevniku Diane Budisavljević tih riječi nema!
15. Film ustraje na tome da je Diana Budisavljević preko pojedinih Nijemaca natjerala vlasti NDH da dopuste otpuštanje djece iz logora. U tom cilju se spominje Wilhelma Knehea i Gustava Kocziana. Da bi što više ocrnio režim NDH film ide toliko strašno daleko da te Nijemce prikazuje gotovo kao humaniste koji pomažu Diani Budisavljević. Wilhelm Knehe je, u činu majora, bio obavještajni referent njemačke Feldkommandature u Zagrebu. Gustav Von Koczian je u filmu prikazan kao fini i šarmantni gospodin u fraku koji sjedi u „Espanadi“ i ispija svoje piće i izjavljuje Diani da bita „situacija s djecom“ mogla djelovati „negativno“ na njemačke interese u NDH, jer je „javnost osjetljiva na djecu“ (Die öffentlicheit ist immerfür die Kinder sensibilisiert,). Međutim, u Dnevniku gđe Diane Budisavljević se vidi da je taj razgovor izmišljen! Tamo ne piše da je Von Koczian izjavio da je „javnost osjetljiva na djecu“? Ta izmišljena rečenica „javnost je osjetljiva na djecu“ u suprotnosti je s onim što je u zemljama poput Hitlerove Njemačke ili NDH „javnost“ uopće smjela govoriti.
U filmi Von Koczianova „supruga“ mužu mudro savjetuje da o spašavanju djece govori s Glaise von Horstenauom, njemačkim generalom pri Pavelićevoj vladi. Prema originalnom dnevniku (upravo istoga toga 12. lipnja 1942.), Von Koczian zove na razgovor u „Esplanadu“ Dianu Budisavljević, ali zajedno s dr. Markom Vidakovićem, i izjavljuje im da je o oslobađanju djece iz logora razgovarao, ne s Glaise von Horstenauom, nego sa Slavkom Kvaternikom. Da se ne bi vidjelo da je briga za djecu bila ustaška, autori filma daju humanizam Nijemcima.
16. Ni Dianina kartoteka nije posve izgubljena, a u filmu se kaže da jest izgubljena! Gđa Budisavljević je vodila kartoteku o udomljenoj djeci. Izbjeglički val završio je 1942.; poslije više nije bilo takvih izbjegličkih skupina pa se rad odvijao na sređivanju dokumentacije, odgovaranju na pitanja roditelja koji su iz Njemačke slali pisma, raspitivali se za svoju djecu i slično. Dolaskom partizana, Diani je kartoteka oduzeta. Opisivanje tog događaja povijesno je najvjerniji dio filma. Ali na kraju, na odjavi filma, piše da ta kartoteka nikada više nije pronađena! A u Hrvatskom državnom arhivu postoji Kartoteka djece, koja je pripadala Ministarstvu udružbe i Caritasu. U 56 ladica ima oko 28000 kartica s imenima djece koja su bila zbrinjavana tijekom Drugog svjetskog rata. Diana Budisavljević, kako piše u svom Dnevniku, pri izradi svoje kartoteke pravila je kopije za Ministarstvo udružbe. Drugi bi put prepisivala njihove kartice za svoju kartoteku, itd. Stoga se dio njezine kartoteke mogao rekonstruirati i preko arhivske građe koju i nije potrebno tražiti deset godina (autori filma kažu da su činjenice važne za film istraživali deset godina!). A mogli su lako i brzo, primjerice, u arhivskoj građi naći podatke o Nadi Vlaisavljević, koju su intervjuirali u filmu. Dio podataka nalazi se u arhivskoj građi Antifašističkog fronta žena (AFŽ), također u Hrvatskom državnom arhivu. Tu su građu kod sebe godinama držale komunističke dužnosnice poput Marije Bakarić, supruge Vladimira Bakarića, i tako vjerojatno onemogućile nekim izbjeglicama da na vrijeme saznaju što se dogodilo s njihovim rođacima.
1. Dnevnik Diane Budisavljević
2. Film Dane Budisavljević „Dnevnik Diane Budisavljević“
Dakle, u filmu nisu prikazane prave (istinite) činjenice koje su sadržane u „Dnevniku Diane Budisavljević“, već su prave (istinite) činjenice krivo prikazane ili prešućene! To filmu daje apsolutno drugo značenje u odnosu na prave (istinite) činjenice navedene u Dnevniku i na taj način je autorica filma prave i povijesno relevantne činjenice krivotvorila i film prikazala kao pravi s ciljem dovođenja gledatelja u zabludu glede istinitosti tih činjenica. Zbog toga podnosimo ovu kaznenu prijavu protiv autorice filma Dane Budisavljević zbog postojanja osnovane sumnje da su se u konkretnom slučaju ostvarila bitna obilježja kaznenog djela krivotvorenja iz odredbe čl. 311 stavak 1 Kaznenog zakona RH za koje djelo se kazneni progon vrši po službenoj dužnosti, navodi se u priopćenju kojeg potpisuje Vinko Sabljo, predsjednik Hrvatskog svjetskog kongresa.


Podnesena kaznena prijava protiv autorice filma „Dnevnik Diane Budisavljević“
Protiv Dane Budisavljević, autorice filma „Dnevnik Diane Budisavljević“ podnesena je kaznena prijava od strane Hrvatskog svjetskog kongresa, a zbog osnovane sumnje počinjenja kaznenog djela iz čl. 311 stavak 1 Kaznenog zakona RH.
Priopćenje Hrvatskog svjetskog kongresa, u ime kojeg je predsjednik Vinko Sabljo podnio kaznenu prijavu protiv Dane Budisavljević, prenosimo u cijelosti:
Hrvatski svjetski kongres9.10.2020.http://hsk.hr/2020/10/09/podnesena-kaznena-prijava-protiv-autorice-filma-dnevnik-diane-budisavljevic/


ZAGREBKrivotvorenim ugovorom preprodao gradilište u Granešini
Zagrebački policajci prijavili su u četvrtak 50-godišnjaka koji se krivotvorenim ugovorom o kupoprodaji nekretnina domogao gradilišta u Granešini kojeg je prodao 34-godišnjaku za 235.000 kuna. Tijekom kriminalističkog istraživanja utvrđeno je da je 50-godišnjak pribavio krivotvoreni ugovor o kupoprodaji nekretnine na kojem se nalazila krivotvorena ovjera javnog bilježnika. Osumnjičeni je tim ugovorom od vlasnice navodno kupio gradilište u Granešini da bi nakon njezine smrti, za vrijeme trajanja ostavinske rasprave, taj ugovor upotrijebio kao pravi predavši ga u Zemljišnoknjižni odjel zagrebačkog Općinskog građanskog suda. Nakon što je na sudu uknjižio pravo vlasništva nad nekretninom, 50-godišnjak je u rujnu 2018. godine sklopio ugovor o kupoprodaji nekretnine sa 34-godišnjakom koji mu je isplatio 235.000 kuna.
Autor: Hina, 28.11.2019.https://www.glasistre.hr/kronika/krivotvorenim-ugovorom-preprodao-gradiliste-u-granesini-607270


Epilog je to istraživanja provedenog nad troje hrvatskih državljana koji su sudjelovali u otimanju dviju nekretnina u Funtani čiji je vlasnik, 71-godišnjak sa zagrebačkog područja, preminuo i nije imao nasljednika. Nakon dovršene istrage, pazinsko Općinsko državno odvjetništvo je pred Općinskim sudom u Pazinu podignulo optužnicu protiv dvojice hrvatskih državljana i jednog trgovačkog društva zbog više kaznenih djela kojima je to trgovačko društvo ostvarilo protupravnu imovinsku korist u iznosu od najmanje 950.000 kuna. Epilog je to istraživanja provedenog nad troje hrvatskih državljana koji su sudjelovali u otimanju dviju nekretnina u Funtani čiji je vlasnik, 71-godišnjak sa zagrebačkog područja, preminuo i nije imao nasljednika.
Više krivotvorina
Treća osoba, koja se sada ne spominje u optužnici bila je 37-godišnjakinja iz Velike Ludine na čije je ime glasila krivotvorena specijalna punomoć kojom je navodno 71-godišnjak, za života, upravo nju ovlastio da nakon njegove smrti raspolaže njegovom kućom i gospodarskom zgradom u Funtani. Ona je, navodno s tom krivotvorinom od javnog bilježnika koji nije posumnjao u autentičnost punomoći, uspjela ishoditi ovjerenu presliku izvorne isprave. Odmah nakon pokretanja istrage početkom ožujka ove godine 25-godišnjaku i 38-godišnjaku je određen istražni zatvor dok je kaznena prijava protiv 37-godišnjakinje odvjetništvu upućena redovnim putem te se ona tijekom istrage branila sa slobode. Kako se žena uopće ne spominje u optužnici, tako se daje zaključiti da će ona u ovom postupku biti svjedok.  
Doznajemo da se prvookrivljenog 25-godišnjaka iz Popovače tereti da je (u stjecaju) počinio jedno kazneno djelo krivotvorenja isprave te dva kaznena djela pranja novca. Drugookrivljenog 38-godišnjaka iz Velike Ludine tereti za počinjenje istih kaznenih djela ali i za jedno kazneno djelo lažnog prijavljivanja kaznenog djela. Trećeokrivljeno trgovačko društvo, u vlasništvu 25-godišnjaka, registrirano u Popovači, smatra se odgovornim za pranje novca.
Konkretno, optužnicom se 25-godišnjak tereti da je u zemljišno-knjižnom odjelu u Poreču, svjestan da su “specijalna punomoć” i “ugovor o kupoprodaji nekretnina” krivotvoreni, predao prijedlog za uknjižbu prava vlasništva na dvije nekretnine s priloženim navedenim krivotvorenim ispravama. Slijedom toga je doneseno rješenje kojim je prvookrivljenik uknjižen kao vlasnik na tim nekretninama. Kako bi prikrio nezakonito podrijetlo znatne imovinske koristi, postupajući u svojstvu fizičke osobe kao prodavatelja i u svojstvu odgovorne osobe trećeokrivljenog trgovačkog društva kao kupca, 25-godišnjak je potom sklopio kupoprodajni ugovor koji se odnosi na iste dvije nekretnine. Zatim je opet u zemljišno-knjižnom odjelu u Poreču 25-godišnjak predao prijedlog za uknjižbu prava vlasništva na navedenim nekretninama nakon čega je doneseno rješenje kojim je pravo vlasništva na istim nekretninama s njega preneseno na njegovo trgovačko društvo kojem je on osnivač i u kojem je odgovorna osoba.
Autor: Marica KOŠTA i MATEO SARDELIN, 29.05.2019.https://www.glasistre.hr/crna-kronika/dvojac-optuzen-da-je-nizom-nedjela-prisvojio-nekretnine-pokojnika-vrijedne-950000-kuna-589579

Police arrested a man suspected of fraud during the sale of land:

Police arrested a man suspected of fraud during the sale of land:DAMAGED A 46-YEAR-OLD CANADIAN CITIZEN FOR ABOUT SIX MILLION HRK
The Pula police conducted a criminal investigation and established the suspicion that the 32-year-old citizen of Serbia committed the criminal offenses of fraud, verification of untrue content and forgery of a document.
Police suspect the 32-year-old that in October last year he hired a Pula lawyer to draw up a contract for the sale of real estate, to whom he falsely introduced himself as a buyer of several plots of land, while a man who was with him introduced himself as a land seller. The suspect misled the lawyer, knowing that the power of attorney of the 46-year-old Canadian citizen, by which she allegedly authorized the man who was with him in the company, was forged.
Based on such a forged power of attorney, the 32-year-old bought the land on behalf of his company and registered on it, and then tried to sell it through various real estate resale agencies. In this way, he damaged a 46-year-old Canadian citizen for about six million kunas. The suspect is also charged with founding a company that bought the disputed land by giving a false statement in order to obtain undue property gain during the purchase and sale of land. Namely, he made a false statement at the commercial court when founding the company, stating the address of a woman as the company’s headquarters, although he knew that his company was not in any relationship with that address or the owner of the facility, and he notarized it with a notary public. false content.
Upon completion of the criminal investigation, the suspect was taken into custody this morning, and police officers continue to conduct the criminal investigation.https://www.glasistre.hr/crna-kronika/-717242


O PUTOVNICAMA I VIZAMAKako smo “ratovali” s Kanađanima i zašto ispaštamo zbog tuđih lažnih interpretacija
Zbog vraćanja poljuljanog morala u redovima vlastite vojske i javnosti nakon neuspjeha i pogibije deset kanadskih vojnika padobranaca u mirovnoj misiji u Somaliji, više od 900 kanadskih vojnika 2. prosinca 2002. u Winnipegu je odlikovano za ‘junačko ratovanje’ za vrijeme operacije Medački džep. Tako je ni krivo ni dužno tih devet stotina kanadskih vojnika postalo nacionalnim herojima za bitku u Hrvatskoj koja se nikad nije dogodila. Naime, odlikovani su pripadnici kanadskog Unprofora kao sudionici u “najvećoj bitci kanadske vojske nakon Korejskog rata” u kojoj su ‘junački’ izdržali 15-satne napade hrvatskih snaga. Naveli su kako je pritom likvidirano između 27 i 31 pripadnika HV-a, dok su oni junaci imali samo četvoricu ranjenih. Po svemu sudeći propagandu im je radio sam Aleksandar Vulin ili Ivica Dačić s obzirom na to kako je ‘herojski’ odrađena.

Identična priča nalazi se i u knjizi Testirana odvažnost: kanadski mirotvorci u ratu autora Scott Taylor i Brian Nolan koji su napisali kako su se u akciji deblokade Gospića sukobili Kanađani i HV, pri čemu je izginulo tridesetak hrvatskih vojnika. Njihov zaključak temeljio se na izjavama neimenovanih pripadnika te kanadske postrojbe u sklopu UN koja je bila stacionirana u Metku. Međutim, oružanog sukoba između hrvatskih vojnika i pripadnika kanadskih mirovnih snaga u operaciji Medački džep od 9. do 17. rujna 1993., kako ga opisuju neimenovani Kanađani, nikada nije bilo. Sve što su kanadski vojnici i njihovi zapovjednici pokušavali prikazati vlastitoj javnosti da se dogodilo noću između 15. i 16. rujna 1993. ne odgovara istini, osobito ne onoj o najvećoj pobjedi kanadskih vojnika nakon Korejskog rata.
No to nije omelo bivšeg zapovjednik kanadskog bataljuna u sastavu mirovnih snaga UN-a Thomasa Jamesa Calvina da tu laž ponovi tijekom svjedočenja na suđenju generalima Rahimu Ademiju i Mirku Norcu kako su se kanadske snage sukobile s pripadnicima Hrvatske vojske koja je, tvrdi, nakon mirovnog sporazuma odugovlačila s povlačenjem iz Medačkog džepa. Priču o velikom sukobu kanadskih i hrvatskih vojnika na istom tom suđenju u Zagrebu opovrgnuli su kanadski časnik John McGuinnes te danski pukovnik Vagn Ove Moebjerg Nielsen, no to nije spriječilo odbor kanadskog parlamenta koji je proveo 1998. istragu o navodnom okršaju kod Medaka da 2002. za “iznimno služenje kanadskih snaga u vrijeme sukoba pod izravnom vatrom” odlikuje cijeli pješački bataljun.
Nekadašnji prvi vojni obavještajac Hrvatske admiral Davor Domazet-Lošo medijima je tada rekao kako Kanađani naprosto izmišljaju te da se “HV nikada nije sukobila s pripadnicima kanadskog bataljuna UNPROFOR-a. “Nezamislivo je da nitko nije proučio zašto je podijeljeno 800 najviših kanadskih odličja za bitku u kojoj tvrde da su ubili 26 Hrvata, rekao je tada Domazet, tvrdeći sa sigurnošću da kanadski vojnici nisu ubili ni jednog Hrvata. Ako su ubili 26 ljudi, a Hrvate nisu, onda se može zaključiti koga  jesu”, rekao je Domazet koji je 1993. bio glavni obavještajni časnik glavnog stožera HV-a. Dodao je kako se brojka o 26 stradalih može povezati s podatkom o stradanju 27 srpskih civila navedenih u ondašnjoj optužnici generalima Rahimu Ademiju i Mirku Norcu. Lošo je također tada rekao kako su četiri Kanađana ranjena kada je njihovo vozilo naletjelo na minu kod obilaska terena.
Da Kanađani izmišljaju dobivene bitke poput naših istočnih susjeda potvrđuje i to da je kanadski zapovjednik mogao, ako je već bio ugrožen položaj i život njegovih vojnika pozvati tadašnjeg zapovjednika UNPROFOR-a, francuskog generala Jean Cota, koji je posjedovao niz sredstava na raspolaganju da ih zaštiti. Među ostalim, angažirati zrakoplovstvo NATO-a da udari po položajima hrvatskih snaga ili pak dovede pojačanja iz BiH. istina je naposljetku i ta da iz međunarodnih krugova nisu nikad stizale prijetnje odmazdom zbog navodnog napada na mirovne snage, pa ni od Francuza koji su se nalazili na terenu zajedno s Kanađanima.
No nažalost šteta u međunarodnim krugovima ugledu Hrvatske i Hrvatske vojske svejedno je napravljena. Do danas nijedan ministar vanjskih poslova ili diplomat nije poduzeo ništa kako bi međunarodna javnost bila upoznata sa stravičnim događanjima koje je pretrpjela Hrvatska i hrvatski građani tijekom Domovinskog rata. Pa onda nije ni čudo da postoje još neke zemlje koje inzistiraju na rigoroznim provjerama hrvatskih građana prije izdavanja viza. Pa su tako do prije par godina hrvatski građani za dobivanje, primjerice, kanadske vize trebalo ispuniti upitnik od 20-ak stranica. Za sam ulazak u tu zemlju bilo je potrebno pribaviti mnogo dokumenata, a posebice otkad je Kanada (1996. godine) Hrvatsku stavila na popis država rizičnih po pitanju ratnih zločina.
To je jednom dovelo i do otkazivanja posjeta predsjednika Hrvatskog sabora. Mnogi hrvatski branitelji ili osobe koje su samo bile u ratom obuhvaćenim područjima u Hrvatskoj morale su ispunjavati obrazac u kojemu su se tražili detalji o sudjelovanju u Domovinskom ratu. Iako je Hrvatska već odavno ušla u NATO i Europsku uniju, što je svrstava u obitelj demokratski najrazvijenijih zemalja svijeta, hrvatski građani imaju još uvijek problema s izdavanjem viza, u čemu je najveći problem upravo nerad Ministarstva vanjskih poslova koje nikad na sebe nije preuzelo zadaću da spere ljagu s Domovinskog rata koju su često nanijeli čudni interesi manjeg broja ljudi.
Autor: mo, 24.11.2018. u 20:50https://direktno.hr/direkt/kako-smo-ratovali-s-kanadanima-i-zasto-ispastamo-zbog-tudih-laznih-interpretacija-140044/

Battle of Medak Pocket

Battle of Medak Pocket
In 1993, during the civil war in the former Yugoslavia, Canadian peacekeepers with the United Nations (UN) advanced into disputed territory in Croatia with orders to implement the Medak Pocket ceasefire agreement between the Croatian Army and Serbian irregular forces. Soldiers of the 2nd Battalion, Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry (2 PPCLI), came under Croatian attack for more than 15 hours. In the firefight that ensued – the most significant combat experienced by Canadians since the Korean War – 2 PPCLI held its ground and preserved the UN protected zone. UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali said the Canadian soldiers brought credit to their profession, saved lives, and enhanced the credibility of UN peacekeeping forces.

War in the former Yugoslavia

War in the former YugoslaviaA Canadian armoured carrier, in United Nations markings, patrols a road in the former Yugoslavia during peacekeeping operations there in the early 1990s – (Department of National Defence)
Canadian Peacekeeping in Former Yugoslavia
In the 1990s, UN peacekeeping missions were Canada’s primary overseas commitment, with personnel stationed in more than a dozen countries. After 1992, tens of thousands of Canadians served as soldiers, negotiators, and aid workers in the former Yugoslavia. Following the death of Yugoslav leader Marshal Tito in 1980, and the end of the Cold War in 1989, Yugoslavia’s six republics were divided by the rise of nationalist-separatist groups. Slovenia declared independence in 1991, followed soon after by Croatia and Bosnia. Serbia’s president Slobodan Milosevic tried to restore the federal state under his own leadership, but the resulting Yugoslav wars of 1991-1995 were soon characterized by murderous violence and ethnic cleansing. During this conflict, some 2 million people lost their homes and 200,000 died.

Former Yugoslavia

Former YugoslaviaA map of Yugoslavia and its six republics, before the country disintegrated during the civil war of the early 1990s. – (© Ruslan Olinchuk/Dreamstime)
UN Mission in Croatia
Croatia’s declaration of independence soon produced civil warfare within its new borders. Inside Croatia, the breakaway “Republic of Serbian Krajina” – supported by the Yugoslav National Army (JNA) – included the Medak Pocket, a fertile farming region that extended deep into official Croatian territory. In February 1992, Canada contributed a battalion-sized unit to the 14,000-strong United Nations Protection Force (UNPROFOR), with the intent of enforcing a peace settlement in Croatia. This commitment was larger and more dangerous than previous Canadian peacekeeping roles during the Cold War. Due to the unpredictability of Croatian troops, and those of the JNA-supported Serb minority, Canada’s blue-helmeted soldiers needed to be more heavily armed than on traditional peacekeeping operations.

War in the former Yugoslavia

War in the former YugoslaviaA Canadian soldier, on United Nations peacekeeping duty in the former Yugoslavia in the early 1990s. – (Department of National Defence)
The Canadian mission fell under Chapter Six of the UN Charter: settlement of disputes using the minimum of force, except in self-defence. The difficulty was that the truce in Croatia was extremely fragile, with centuries-old animosities between the Croat and Serb inhabitants being inflamed by powerful nationalist sentiments. The reality on the ground was that there was little “peace” to keep.
2 PPCLI Battalion
In March 1993, the Canadian battle group – 875 troops including regulars from 2 PPCLIand a large component of reservists – arrived for its first six-month tour in Croatia. There they encountered renewed aggression, as Croat and Serb forces engaged in ethnic-cleansing campaigns aimed at removing or killing any residents of the opposing side. Two companies of Canadian soldiers were assigned to the dangerous rural areas, and then to the Medak Pocket – a strategic salient, or bulge, along the frontline between Serb and Croat forces. Here, the Canadians were to guarantee the truce and oversee the safe return of refugees to their pre-war homes. From the outset, however, the peacekeeping force encountered machine gun and mortar fire and was occasionally threatened by ambushes and booby-traps. With 15,000-18,000 thousand Serb soldiers remaining in the officially “demilitarized” zones, the goal of the Croatian Army was to drive them out. Caught between the two sides were the Canadians, who were now considered an obstacle by both Croats and Serbs.
Fighting in Medak Pocket
On 9 September 1993, as lead elements of 2 PPCLI moved through the Serbian lines to take up their assigned positions in UN Sector South, Serb civilians were fleeing for their lives just ahead of a Croatian infantry attack against the Medak Pocket. The Canadians, reinforced by two mechanized infantry companies from the French army, built defensive positions until a new ceasefire could be reached. Meanwhile the Serb and Croat forces exchanged more than 6,000 artillery and rocket shells. On 13 September, international pressure and UN negotiations produced the “Medak Pocket Agreement” in which all parties agreed to return to their pre-9 September lines. However, on 15 September, the Croats began firing on the Canadian trenches, with machine guns, rifle grenades and mortars. A second attack came that night, this time far more severe. The Canadians returned fire with all the force they could muster. In the worst of the fighting, Sergeant Rod Dearing’s section of troops on Charlie Company’s left was forced to repel five separate Croat attacks. Canadian and French troops withstood artillery fire and defended against smaller attacks throughout their lines. As many as 27 Croats were killed and four Canadians wounded. Although the Croatian army subsequently attributed these deaths to Serbian fire, it remains unknown whether the Canadians contributed to the total.
On 16 September, the Croats finally began to pull out of Medak. A tense standoff ensued when the Canadians were prevented from entering the devastated area until a new agreement came into effect at 1200 hours, at which time the Croatian army ignored the ceasefire terms and refused entry to the area until 1330. Although the peacekeepers had reason to suspect the delay was being used to complete the ethnic cleansing of the region, they were powerless to move in. The Croats finally retreated following negotiations, in which 2 PPCLI’s commander, Lieutenant-Colonel James Calvin, resorted to the threat of international media exposure if the Croats did not adhere to the terms of their agreement. Upon searching the Medak Pocket, the exhausted Canadians were horrified to find no survivors. Instead, they found evidence of mass executions and the removal of bodies. The task now remained to diligently record and photograph remaining signs of torture and murder. Meticulous measures taken by 2 PPCLI to record evidence of ethnic cleansing later became standard procedure for UNPROFOR in preparing for war crimes trials.
The Battle of Medak Pocket was the most significant fighting Canadian forces had engaged in since the Korean War. Although the Canadian public did not immediately recognize the nature or scale of this engagement, in 2002 Governor General Adrienne Clarkson awarded 2 PPCLI the Commander-in-Chief Unit Commendation, recognizing the unit’s performance of extraordinary deeds to the highest standard in extremely hazardous circumstances. The battalion was also awarded the UN Force Commander’s Commendation, one of only three such awards in UNPROFOR’s history.

Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry (PPCLI)

Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry (PPCLI)Members of the PPCLI parade in 2013 to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the unit’s involvement in the Battle of Medak Pocket, in the former Yugoslavia – (Department of National Defence, Combat Camera)
The battle changed the face of peacekeeping, as the UN came to recognize the necessity of heavily-armed treaty enforcement in areas of continuing conflict. Gradually, the Canadian government also realized the impact of post-traumatic stress disorder on its returning peacekeepers, and the necessity of proper debriefing and ongoing support for soldiers who have witnessed extreme brutality and human suffering. The haunting memories of the soldiers at Medak, many of them young reservists, affected returning troops for years to follow. The Armed Forces recognized Lieutenant Tyrone Green, Gunner Scott Leblanc, and Warrant Officer William Johnson for bravery. It also recognized Sergeant Rod Dearing for leadership, and awarded Lt.-Col. James Calvin the Meritorious Service Cross.

Colonel James Calvin

Colonel James CalvinJames Calvin, who led Canadian forces at the Battle of Medak Pocket in the former Yugoslavia, speaks to the news media following his return to Canada and his promotion to full colonel. – (Department of National Defence)
Article by James Wood,  Published Online December 1, 2016 Last Edited January 12, 2017https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/battle-of-medak-pocket

Katoličke misije i župe – prave čuvarice hrvatskoga jezika

Katoličke misije i župe – prave čuvarice hrvatskoga jezika

Vinko Grubisic

Dr. Vinko Grubišić, profesor emeritus Sveučilišta Waterloo u Kanadi – Krajem rujna na Hrvatskim je studijima Sveučilišta u Zagrebu održana Druga međunarodna kroatološka konferencija. Cilj je ovogodišnje konferencije – održane o temi Hrvati izvan Hrvatske – bio pridonijeti boljemu poznavanju izvandomovinstva, kao i još većemu zanimanju znanstvene i šire javnosti za taj dio hrvatskoga naroda. U okviru simpozija obrađene su različite povijesne, jezikoslovne, književne, etnološke i druge teme, a konferenciju je plenarnim predavanjem otvorio dr. Vinko Grubišić, profesor emeritus Sveučilišta Waterloo u Kanadi. Taj književnik, antologičar i jezikoslovac, rođen u Posuškom Gracu u Bosni i Hercegovini, slavistiku je studirao u Zagrebu, diplomirao u Fribourgu, a doktorirao u Aix-en-Provenceu. Emigrirao je 1965. godine, a u Kanadi živi od 1975. Pjesme su mu uvrštene u prestižne antologije hrvatske lirike od sredine osamdesetih, a eseji i monografije s područja teorije književnosti, kroatistike i opće lingvistike nalaze se u brojnim izdanjima u domovini i svijetu. Među knjigama koje je priredio najviše se ističu udžbenici hrvatskoga jezika i književnosti za izvandomovinstvo. Na konferenciji je dr. Grubišić govorio o priznanju hrvatskoga kao posebnoga jezika u SAD-u i Kanadi, o čemu je rado progovorio i za Glas Koncila.

Najvažnije je bilo osnivanje hrvatskih škola

Profesore Grubišiću, možete li na samome početku našega razgovora čitateljima Glasa Koncila u kratkim crtama približiti tijek nastojanja Hrvata iseljenih u SAD-u i Kanadi oko priznanja hrvatskoga kao posebnoga jezika?

DR. GRUBIŠIĆ: Ta nastojanja valja promatrati u nekoliko različitih etapa i kroz nekoliko različitih aspekata, a moglo bi se reći da je priznanje hrvatskoga jezika u SAD-u i Kanadi otpočelo sedamdesetih, a dovršeno osamdesetih godina. Od Drugoga svjetskog rata do ranih šezdesetih godina ništa se značajnije nije događalo u pogledu hrvatskoga jezika koji se pri rijetkim župama proučavao uglavnom uz folklor, i to dosta usputno. Prve hrvatske župne škole osnivane su u okviru većih župnih zajednica, kao što su u Torontu, New Yorku i Chicagu. One uglavnom nisu imale nikakve odnose prema školskim sustavima u Kanadi i SAD-u, nego su bile više-manje stvar hrvatske zajednice i njezine organiziranosti. God. 1974. na svećeničkom sastanku u New Yorku stvorena je odgojno-školska organizacija Hrvatske izvandomovinske škole Amerike i Kanade (HIŠAK), sigurno najvažnija hrvatska školska ustanova izvan Hrvatske, koju od osnutka vodi fra Ljubo Krasić.

Za priznanje hrvatskoga jezika sigurno ništa nije bilo toliko važno kao hrvatske škole koje su okupljale više tisuća učenika. HIŠAK je organizirao i nekoliko međunarodnih simpozija na kojima je sudjelovalo stotine učitelja, potpisnika dviju značajnih deklaracija koje su apelirale na one institucije u svijetu koje nisu priznale hrvatski jezik da to, poštujući ljudska prava, a i tadašnji jugoslavenski ustav, trebaju što prije učiniti. Samim tim što je Kanadsko ministarstvo za multikulturalizam sedamdesetih godina omogućilo pripremu i publiciranje školskih priručnika kao što su »Hrvatski jezik 1« i »Hrvatski jezik 2«, knjige koje su doživjele nekoliko izdanja, te ilustrirani četverojezični rječnik za djecu, hrvatsko-englesko-njemačko-francuski, kanadska je vlada de facto priznala hrvatski jezik. Također, najbrojnije slavističko udruženje na svijetu American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies u svojim formularima od 1984. godine donosi hrvatski jezik kao poseban jezik. Uz hrvatske škole, i mnoge su se hrvatske kulturne i političke organizacije zalagale za priznavanje hrvatskoga jezika, kao što su Hrvatska katolička zajednica i Hrvatska bratska zajednica.

Koliko su pomogli hrvatski jezikoslovci?

Koliko su, prema Vašem mišljenju, hrvatski jezikoslovci bili uspješni u promoviranju hrvatskoga jezika u svijetu?

DR. GRUBIŠIĆ: Hrvatski jezikoslovci učinili su veoma mnogo, a svakako – naglasio bih – daleko više negoli su im političke prilike to dozvoljavale. Glasovitom Deklaracijom o nazivu i položaju hrvatskoga književnog jezika temelji »jezičnoga jedinstva« su uzdrmani. »Lingua communis«, tj. zajednički jezik, u Jugoslaviji nije više dolazio u obzir. Takav stav hrvatskih lingvista, pa i izborena definicija u Ustavu Jugoslavije iz 1974. nama izvan Hrvatske u borbi za priznanje hrvatskoga jezika veoma su olakšali posao. Mogli bismo tadašnjim hrvatskim jezikoslovcima zamjeriti da nisu uvijek bili ni najjasniji ni najdosljedniji, ali oni su se ipak uvijek znali ispružiti i malo više nego je bilo pokrivača.

Jugodiplomati nisu čitali vlastiti ustav

Zasigurno je u to vrijeme bilo i brojnih pritisaka iz tadašnje Jugoslavije?

DR. GRUBIŠIĆ: Da, ti su pritisci bili stalni, a dolazili su preko jugoslavenskih diplomatskih predstavništva, kao i nekih sveučilišta. Naš je odgovor bio da nije naša krivnja ako ta predstavništva ne znaju čitati vlastiti ustav koji je – ma koliko te definicije bile smušene – ipak priznavao postojanje hrvatskoga jezika. Na sve teorijske rasprave veoma smo se malo obazirali, jer za nas je bilo najvažnije da kao porezni doprinosnici u demokratskoj zemlji imamo pravo da se naš jezik nazivlje našim imenom. Istina, uz škole za hrvatski jezik postojale su i škole u kojima se predavao »srpskohrvatski«, no broj učenika je za potonji bio desetak puta manji, a to je bio najbolji pokazatelj gdje tko stoji. Na sveučilištima je situacija s jedne strane bila dosta komplicirana, a s druge pak pojednostavljena do same profanacije: ako su profesori bili podrijetlom Srbi ili ako su studirali u Srbiji, predavali bi stvarno srpski, a ako su bili Hrvati ili ako su proveli koju godinu studija u Hrvatskoj, predavali bi uglavnom hrvatski. Argument sveučilišnih predavača koji su zagovarali »srpskohrvatski« bio je veoma praktične naravi: ako se odvoji hrvatski od srpskoga, onda bi trebalo imati nastavnike za oba jezika, a to bi prouzrokovalo dvostruke troškove. No stvari su se razvijale svojim tokom pa su ti isti profesori devedesetih ne samo razdvojili nego »rastrojili« »srpskohrvatski« na »bosanski/hrvatski/srpski«, a da se troškovi nisu povećali, kao ni broj sveučilišnog osoblja za »južnoslavenske jezike«. Istina je da studenti uglavnom ne žele studirati »jezične razlike« nego – jezik.

Hrvatski – od dječjega vrtića do sveučilišta

Potomci iseljenih Hrvata danas primarno obrazovanje na području hrvatskoga jezika i kulture mogu usavršavati i na izvandomovinskoj Katedri hrvatskoga jezika i kulture koja je službeno utemeljena još g. 1988. na Sveučilištu Waterloo. Možete li ukratko predstaviti rad katedre koju ste vodili?

DR. GRUBIŠIĆ: Danas u Kanadi učenici mogu učiti hrvatski jezik od dječjega vrtića do završetka studija. Nakon što se dobro »uhodalo« predavanje hrvatskog u nižim razredima, od 1976. hrvatski je jezik u provinciji Ontario uveden u škole kao priznati školski predmet, i to na najvišoj petoj razini koja učenicima omogućuje pristup na sveučilišta. Zapravo, šestina srednjoškolskog programa, pet od trideset školskih »kredita«, mogla je biti hrvatski jezik i kultura. Odnedavno je i u Britanskoj Kolumbiji uveden hrvatski u srednje škole, zasada samo u Vancouveru. Tako se došlo do samih vrata sveučilišta. Pregovori sa Sveučilištem Waterloo 1988. urodili su plodom i hrvatska je zajednica uložila određenu svotu novca za financiranje katedre »Hrvatskog jezika i kulture«, koja od početka djeluje u okviru Odjela za germanske i slavenske studije. U samu uspostavljanu katedre veliku su ulogu odigrali hrvatski donatori okupljeni u udruženju Croatian Studies Foundation, čiji je prvi predsjednik bio pokojni Gojko Šušak, a nakon njegova odlaska u Hrvatsku Anton Kikaš. Katedra djeluje već dvadeset i tri godine i kroz nju je prošlo više od tisuću studenata.

Uz hrvatski jezik na različitim se stupnjevima na katedri predaje suvremena i starija hrvatska književnost, a tečaj »Hrvatska kultura« podijeljen je u dva dijela: »Od Ilira do Iliraca« te »Od ilirskog preporoda do danas«. Taj se tečaj predaje na engleskom, otvoren je svim zainteresiranim studentima, a obuhvaća i pregled hrvatske znanosti i humanističke te kulturne dodire Hrvata sa susjednim i s drugim narodima svijeta. Za hrvatsku je zajednicu Južnog Ontarija Sveučilište Waterloo bilo posebno privlačno i zbog tzv. »dopisnih tečajeva«. Naime, studenti s bilo kojeg kraja svijeta mogli su odabrati studij hrvatskoga jezika, a onda bi im najbliže sveučilište, odnosno sveučilište na kojemu su studirali, moralo priznati hrvatski kao sveučilišni »kredit«. Tako su nerijetko i ona sveučilišta koja su još uvijek zadržala »srpskohrvatski« morala studentima priznati položene ispite iz hrvatskoga! Kasnije je, uz dopisne tečajeve, uveden i internetski studij hrvatskoga jezika, a hrvatski je prvi jezik na svijetu priređen za kasnije općenito prihvaćen internetski program »Angel« i već je na internetu šestu godinu na Sveučilištu Waterloo.

Mladi u potrazi za identitetom

Kazali ste kako, uz hrvatski jezik, studenti uče i o hrvatskoj kulturi kroz povijest, umjetnost i općenito hrvatske duhovne vrednote. Možete li pojasniti zašto je važan takav interdisciplinaran pristup i koji je profil studenata koji pohađaju te kolegije? Koliko su novi naraštaji, potomci hrvatskih iseljenika, u potrazi za svojim hrvatskim identitetom?

DR. GRUBIŠIĆ: Jezik je u biti oblik koji treba ispuniti sadržajem. Za predavanja hrvatskoga jezika priređeni su priručnici kroz koje se studenti upoznaju ne samo sa strukturama i riječima hrvatskoga jezika nego i s hrvatskim krajolicima, podnebljem i sl. Spomenuti tečaj hrvatske kulture kratak je pregled sveukupnih hrvatskih događanja i postignuća kroz stoljeća. Tu je riječ o sv. Jeronimu i Ruđeru Boškoviću, o Marku Maruliću, Benediktu Kotruljeviću, Lavoslavu Ružički, Nikoli Tesli, Ivanu Meštroviću, Miroslavu Kraljeviću, Jakovu Gotovcu, Miroslavu Krleži… Uz tekstove često se predavači koriste glazbenim materijalima i videomaterijalima. Nastoje se paralelno zahvatiti sve hrvatske duhovne vrednote, a ujedno prikazati u pravom svjetlu odnosi sa susjednim narodima s kojima su Hrvati dijelili pojedina povijesna razdoblja.

Studenti koji pohađaju taj tečaj najrazličitijih su profila i to čine iz najrazličitijih motiva. Na izvjestan način svi, pa i mi koji smo formirani više-manje u Hrvatskoj, tražimo neka očvršća svojega identiteta. Mladi ljudi danas mnogo lakše mogu saznavati o svojim prethodnicima, pa tako i o samima sebi, jer je Hrvatska s jedne strane danas demokratska i otvorena zemlja, a s druge to razvoj tehnologije danas omogućuje daleko više negoli prije kojih dvadesetak godina. Potraga za korijenima zapravo je svojevrsno snalaženje u sadašnjosti. A znanje jezika svojih predaka najsigurniji je put »u potrazi za identitetom«.

Veoma vješto izvedena prijevara

Budući da i sami živite u iseljeništvu, možete li posvjedočiti kako danas žive Hrvati »s druge strane Atlantika«? Koji su najčešći problemi i kakav je, prema Vašem mišljenju, odnos Hrvatske države prema izvandomovinstvu?

DR. GRUBIŠIĆ: Veoma kompleksno pitanje. Hrvati »s druge strane Atlantika« i dalje su »iseljenici«. S obzirom na zanos devedesetih godina, uvelike su se odnosi prema Hrvatskoj ohladili. Hrvati se danas više vraćaju u Hrvatsku i sve manje Hrvatskoj. Nekako kao turisti. Dive joj se kao zemlji, upoznaju je iznutra… »Hrvatski« mediji zemlju o sreći koju su sanjali prikazuju kao leglo kriminala, a Hrvatska nije niti zemlja kriminala, niti nesigurnosti. O nekom uspješnom simpoziju, o kojem kulturnom ili znanstvenom postignuću Hrvata u novinama se rijetko što kaže. Netko je došao na ideju da to nikoga ne zanima. U iseljeništvu su glasila na hrvatskom, a i na stranim svjetskim jezicima, većinom ugašena ili su prešla na internetsko izdanje koje malo tko prati. Bezrazložno se steklo povjerenje u domovinska glasila, a ona su ili sasvim požutjela ili niskotiražna.

Što se, pak, tiče odnosa hrvatske države prema Hrvatima izvan domovine, on nikada nije bio jasan. A danas je nejasniji negoli prije desetak godina. Netko se sjetio da – premda nije pronađena ni jedna jedina nepravilnost – treba dokinuti glasovanja po župama i hrvatskim domovima izvan Hrvatske. Time je golem postotak Hrvata izvan domovine isključen iz političkog, a samim time i javnog života. Na te i takve prijevare Hrvati u izvandomovinstvu nisu navikli, a valja priznati da je ta prijevara izvedena veoma vješto.

Riječi nisu samo za razumijevanje

Kako danas, kao jezikoslovac, gledate na odnos Hrvata prema materinskom jeziku? U svojem ste izlaganju na konferenciji u Zagrebu spomenuli kako globalizacija sve više prijeti, pa i našem »malom« jeziku…

DR. GRUBIŠIĆ: Čini mi se da je u prvom dijelu postavljenog pitanja najvažnija riječ »danas«. Danas više-manje nitko normalan ne niječe samobitnost hrvatskoga jezika, međutim kao da se nalazimo pred potpuno novim zabunama. Jedna nas političarka koja je u timu pregovarača s Europskom Unijom s televizije nedavno uvjerava kako u toj bajnoj zajednici nitko ne može ni pomišljati natjecati se za kakav posao bez dobra znanja engleskoga jezika. Pitanje hoće li taj budući »naddržavni jezik« biti neka vrsta »poslovnog engleskog« od kojih petstotinjak riječi na kojem će se sporazumijevati birokrati ili nešto više od toga, ovdje nas toliko ne zanima koliko neka pitanja u odnosu na hrvatski jezik. Ono što nije sasvim jasno ni u Hrvatskoj, još će manje biti jasno u glavama eurobirokrata.

Ako neki profesori na Zagrebačkom sveučilištu upotrebljavaju priručnike na srpskom jeziku, ako se filmovi sinkronizirani na srpski jezik prikazuju u hrvatskim kinodvoranama, ostaje dojam da je ipak hrvatski tek nekakav »polujezik«. U frankofonskoj kanadskoj provinciji Quebec sigurno svatko razumije englesku riječ »stop«, no ipak ulice su obilježene znakom »arret«, želeći tako pokazati da riječi nisu samo za razumijevanje nego za nešto mnogo značajnije. Što podrazumijeva priznanje hrvatskoga jezika u EU-u? Ako je engleski »iznad« nacionalnih jezika, hoće li hrvatski zaista biti ravnopravan francuskom, španjolskom i njemačkom? Je li čak poljski ravnopravan tim trima spomenutim jezicima? Hoće li hrvatski zastupnici govoriti hrvatski, a oni koji hrvatski ne razumiju imati slušalice na ušima za simultano prevođenje? Ili?!

Hrvati su malobrojan, ali nikako i mali narod, hrvatskim jezikom govori veoma mali promil svjetskoga stanovništva, ali u znanosti, umjetnosti i sportu oni su pridonijeli proporcionalno veoma mnogo. Ostvarenja na hrvatskom jeziku kroz stoljeća potiču nas da se vratimo samima sebi, da se pred magluštinom globalizacije upitamo znamo li zaista kamo idemo. Čini mi se da i nas danas pop Martinac podučava i opominje kako »jazik harvatski« nije samo jezik, komunikacija, nego čitava sudbinska povezanost sa zemljom, s rodom i domom.

Teško protiv sebeljublja

U pojedinim državama svijeta još uvijek, nažalost, hrvatski i srpski jezik na sveučilišnim katedrama nisu razdvojeni. Zašto je tomu tako? Kako se prema tom pitanju odnose slavisti?

DR. GRUBIŠIĆ: Osim baš najzagriženijih filologa, rijetko tko želi proučavati brojne razlike između hrvatskoga i srpskoga, nego učenici žele naučiti jedan ili drugi ili, što je rijetkost, oba jezika. Neki profesori su zaista (bili) uvjereni da je »srpskohrvatski« jedan jezik, i kada su se srpski i hrvatski razdvojili, njima je bilo veoma teško početi govoriti protiv jučerašnjih samih sebe. Rekao bih čak da je sebeljublje gotovo proporcionalno s »predavačkom hijerarhijom«. Bilo bi svakako zanimljivo izbliže utvrditi situaciju prema pojedinim sveučilištima, no za većinu sveučilišta najvažniji je kriterij broj upisanih studenata. A naglasimo da je god. 1985. bilo više studenata na Sveučilištu Macquarie u Sydneyu u Australiji, na kampusu i dopisnim putem, za hrvatski jezik negoli na svim američkim sveučilištima za »srpskohrvatski«. Pametnome dovoljno.

Prve hrvatske škole osnivane pri župama

Koliko su hrvatske katoličke misije pomogle u očuvanju hrvatskoga jezika, kulture i svijesti o pripadnosti hrvatskome narodu među iseljenicima?

DR. GRUBIŠIĆ: Nemoguće bi bilo zamisliti hrvatsko školstvo, a samim tim i priznanje hrvatskoga jezika, bez hrvatskih katoličkih misija. Prve hrvatske škole u Americi i Kanadi osnivane su pri župama, a župnici su nerijetko u tim školama uz vjeronauk predavali i hrvatski jezik. Hrvatske katoličke misije i župe bile su i ostale prave čuvarice hrvatske kulture i duhovnosti. U Kanadi su ipak uvođenjem multikulturalizma sedamdesetih godina hrvatske subotnje škole većinom preselile iz župnih prostorija u redovite škole. Hrvatski jezik u srednjim školama nije nikada predavan u župnim prostorijama, nego u redovitim školama, ali su župnici u svojim propovijedima često naglašavali potrebu učenja hrvatskoga jezika na višim razinama od one koju je nudila subotnja, ne bez razloga često zvana »župna« škola.

Ivan Uldrijan
Glas Koncila 43 (1948) | 23.10.2011.

Hrvatskoj domovinskoj i inozemnoj javnosti,

Hrvatskoj domovinskoj i inozemnoj javnosti,
povodom presude generalima Anti Gotovini i Mladenu Markaču

Evo, UN-tribunal u Haagu pokazao se još jednom kao javni „udruženi zločinački poduhvat“ za neuvažavanje bitnih činjenica, te za „ravnomjernu“ podjelu krivnje između ratnih agresora i onih koji su od njih branili svoju domovinu i svoja ognjišta. Kao takav će zasigurno jednom u budućnosti biti ocijenjen, ali za njegove žrtve bit će to prekasno!

Dakle, što nama je sada činiti?

Bez obzira na sve (ne)prilike: da su, kroz ove duge godine UN-tribunala u Haagu, članovi hrvatskih Vlada i Sabora po svojoj obvezi ustrajno branili nedvojbene hrvatske interese i ljude pred međunarodnim centrima moći, da su hrvatski mediji istinoljubivo zastupali nedvojbene interese svoga naroda u ovom svijetu selektivno promicanih informacija iz centara interesnih sfera najmoćnijih, da su hrvatski intelektualci bili imalo hrabriji i organiziraniji, da su hrvatski kršćani i njihovi predvoditelji dizali glas i molili kao zadnjih tjedana, da su, da su…, do ove nepravde i do nepravda koje će ona za sobom povući, ne bi ni došlo! Velika većina nabrojenih i inih, tek su počeli pomalo dizati glavu prema “Hrvatskoj trojci” u Haagu, kad je presuda bila već napisana.

Nevolja je k tomu, da su tužitelji i suci jedini ljudi koji su sebi zakonski osigurali pravo i na neistine, klevete, montirane dokaze, krive zaključke i nemoralne političke interese, a bez ikakvih kažnjivih posljedica za sebe osobno. Uz to, ovi na UN-tribunalu u Haagu nerijetko znaju biti sluge sebičnih interesa velikih sila.

Gotovo svi predvoditelji našega naroda pali su u ovom predmetu na popravni! Koliko je god hrvatski put u Europu neizostavan i koliko nam je god njime hoditi, nakon svih gorkih iskustava, zar uhodanom poltronstvu hrvatskih vlasti prema međunarodnoj zajednici ne bi stvarno trebao doći jednom kraj?!

Ima li šanse za oporavak? Presuda dvojici naših generala nije pravomoćna, pa svima, posebno odgovornima i vodećima u našem narodu, skoncentrirati se na žalbeni postupak i konačni pravorijek UN-tribunala. Takvog kakav jest, jer nad njim nema drugoga, osim onoga na Božjem sudu, a on je dalji od sunca! Osim toga, pred nama je i presuda „Hrvatskoj šestorci“…

Slutimo i znamo što će i kako će ponovno UN-tribunal, ali znamo li što ćemo mi sada, posebno znaju li to predvoditelji našega naroda, od civilnih do crkvenih poglavara??

Iz dosadašnjeg iskustva s hrvatskim vlastima, a nažalost i s nasljednim mentalitetom velikog dijela hrvatskog naroda, ubrzo će se praktično zaboraviti ova strašna nepravda i uvreda prema Domovinskom ratu, stvaranju države Hrvatske i ovim dotičnim hrvatskim prvacima u Haagu i drugdje koji su predvodili njeno stvaranje. Uz njih će praktično ostati u svojoj muci samo njihove obitelji i prijatelji, a drugi će se uvući u poslovičnu hrvatsku pasivnost i ravnodušje.

Stoga u ovoj općoj bespomoćnosti, povećajmo broj onih koji će razboritom riječju i učinkovitim djelom stati i ostati uz njih!

Josip Ante Sovulj, predsjednik HSK-a
Dr. fra Šimun Štio Ćorić, glasnogovornik HSK-a

New York/Solothurn, 15. travnja 2011.

European Court of Human Rights – Ljubljanska banka #2

European Court of Human Rights – Ljubljanska banka #2

Hrvatska radio televizija

3. The Croatian Government

58. The Croatian Government submitted that Serbia and Slovenia should be held liable in the present case. Their reasons were along the lines of those of the Bosnian-Herzegovinian Government (see paragraph 56 above). As to the obligation to negotiate set out in Article 7 of Annex C to the Agreement on Succession Issues, this Government maintained that they had negotiated in good faith, whereas the Serbian and Slovenian Governments had shown no willingness to abandon earlier positions.

4. The Serbian Government

59. After a long analysis of international practice concerning a pactum de negotiando, the Serbian Government submitted that they had negotiated in good faith. As to the conduct of the other successor States, they criticised in particular Croatia for notifying the BIS of their willingness to continue negotiations concerning this issue only in 2010 (see paragraph 44 above). If the Court was to consider that Serbia interfered with the “possessions” of Mr Šahdanović for the purposes of Article 1 of Protocol No. 1, the Serbian Government argued that the interference was justified as it simply froze his savings in the Tuzla branch of Investbanka pending succession negotiations (see paragraph 34 above). Lastly, they asserted that Bosnia and Herzegovina had benefitted the most from “old” foreign-currency savings in the Tuzla branch of Investbanka; it should therefore be held liable in the present case. In support of their position, they submitted a contract pursuant to which a certain E.M. from Tuzla had obtained a dinar loan from the Tuzla branch of Investbanka in exchange for his foreign-currency deposit.


5. The Slovenian Government

60. The Slovenian Government submitted that the issue of “old” foreign-currency savings in the Sarajevo branch of Ljubljanska Banka Ljubljana and the Tuzla branch of Investbanka was a succession issue. They further argued that Slovenia had at all times worked to find a solution to the distribution of the SFRY guarantees of “old” foreign-currency savings and that their efforts had failed because of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s and Croatia’s frustration of the negotiations. Notably, the Slovenian Government criticised Croatia for having refused to resolve the issue by IMF arbitration in 1999; for having refused to discuss it in the meetings of the Standing Joint Committee; for having agreed to continue BIS negotiations, allegedly under the pressure of the EU, only in 2010 (see paragraph 44 above); for having reneged on that offer after the closure of the EU accession negotiations in 2011; and, lastly, for making it impossible for Ljubljanska Banka Ljubljana’s Zagreb branch to engage in regular banking activities and thus generate additional assets. The Slovenian Government criticised Bosnia and Herzegovina for having taken a series of unilateral measures, shortly after the conclusion of the BIS negotiations, designed to improve its negotiating position towards Slovenia: on 15 July 2002 the FBH Government adopted a decision requiring the Ministry of Justice to propose an amendment to the Companies Register Act 2000 to retroactively extend the statute of limitations for the deletion of the 1993 entry in the companies register regarding the domestic Ljubljanska Banka Sarajevo and requiring the management board of that bank, which had been appointed by the Ministry of Finance, to apply for the deletion of that entry (see paragraph 24 above). In conclusion, they argued that Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia should be held liable in the present case.

61. As regards the transfers of foreign currency from Ljubljanska Banka Ljubljana’s Sarajevo branch to the National Bank of Slovenia, the Slovenian Government showed that a part of those funds had afterwards been shipped back to Sarajevo. They argued that the remaining funds had been forwarded to the NBY. However, while they showed that those funds had indeed been recorded as a claim of the Sarajevo branch against the NBY, they failed to show that they had been physically transferred to the NBY (see paragraph 11 above). In this regard, the Slovenian Government invited the Court not to accept any theory according to which physical cash would be more valuable than book entry cash (that is, paper transactions).


6. The Macedonian Government

62. The Macedonian Government submitted that they did not violate the applicants’ property rights as they had negotiated this issue in good faith.

B. The Court’s assessment

1. Applicable rule of Article 1 of Protocol No. 1

63. As the Court has stated on numerous occasions, Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 comprises three rules: the first rule, set out in the first sentence of the first paragraph, is of a general nature and enunciates the principle of the peaceful enjoyment of property; the second rule, contained in the second sentence of the first paragraph, covers deprivation of property and subjects it to conditions; the third rule, stated in the second paragraph, recognises that the Contracting States are entitled, amongst other things, to control the use of property in accordance with the general interest. The second and third rules are concerned with particular instances of interference with the right to peaceful enjoyment of property and should be construed in the light of the general principle enunciated in the first rule (see, among other authorities, Iatridis v. Greece [GC], no. 31107/96, § 55, ECHR 1999-II).

64. It has not been contested before the Court that the present applicants’ claims have never been extinguished, but that they have nevertheless been unable to freely dispose of their “old” foreign-currency savings for many years. Therefore, the Court will examine the present case, like other similar cases (see Trajkovski v. the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (dec.), no. 53320/99, ECHR 2002-IV, and Suljagić v. Bosnia and Herzegovina, no. 27912/02, 3 November 2009), under the third rule of this Article.

2. General principles

65. The general principles of the interpretation of Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 (the principle of lawfulness, the principle of a legitimate aim and the principle of a fair balance) were restated in Suljagić, cited above, §§ 40-44.

3. Application of the general principles to the present case

66. The Court is ready to accept that the principle of lawfulness and that of a legitimate aim were respected in this case (see Trajkovski, cited above, and Suljagić, cited above). It will therefore proceed to examine the core issue, namely whether a fair balance has been struck between the general interest and the applicants’ rights guaranteed by this Article.


67. By depositing foreign currency with banks, foreign-currency savers acquired an entitlement to collect at any time their deposits, together with accumulated interest, from the banks. Their claims against the banks have survived the dissolution of the SFRY (see the admissibility decision in this case, §§ 53-54). While it is true that all “old” foreign-currency savings were guaranteed by the State, that guarantee could have been activated only at the request of a bank and none of the banks in issue made such a request (see paragraph 9 above). Liability, therefore, did not shift from those banks to the SFRY. It should also be noted that the branches of Ljubljanska Banka Ljubljana and Investbanka did not have separate legal personality at the time of the dissolution of the SFRY; pursuant to the companies register, they acted on behalf and for the account of the parent banks.

Having regard to the foregoing, the Court finds that Ljubljanska Banka Ljubljana, based in Slovenia, and Investbanka, based in Serbia, remained liable for “old” foreign-currency savings in their branches, irrespective of their location, until the dissolution of the SFRY. The Court will examine the period after the dissolution of the SFRY below.

68. As to Ljubljanska Banka Ljubljana, the Slovenian Government first nationalised it and then transferred most of its assets to a new bank; at the same time, it confirmed that the old Ljubljanska Banka retained liability for “old” foreign-currency savings in its branches in the other successor States and the related claims against the NBY. The Court has already held that a Contracting State may be liable for debts of a State-owned company, even if the company is a separate legal entity, providing that the company does not enjoy “sufficient institutional and operational independence from the State” (see Mykhaylenky and Others v. Ukraine, nos. 35091/02 et al., § 43-45, ECHR 2004-XII). It is clear that Slovenia is the sole shareholder of the old Ljubljanska Banka and that a Government agency administers this bank. In addition, the State is responsible, to a large extent, for the bank’s inability to service its debts (as it transferred, by virtue of law, most of its assets to another bank). The Court finally notes that most of the funds of the Sarajevo branch of Ljubljanska Banka Ljubljana in all probability ended up in Slovenia (see paragraph 21 above). Considering all those factors, the Court concludes that there are sufficient grounds to deem Slovenia liable for the bank’s debt to Ms Ališić and Mr Sadžak in the special circumstances of the present case.

69. The Court has noted the Slovenian Government’s argument that the status of the clients of Ljubljanska Banka Ljubljana’s Sarajevo branch was far from being clear in the period 1992-2004 because of inconsistencies in law and practice in Bosnia and Herzegovina (see paragraphs 16 and 22-24 above). However, the situation has meanwhile changed: it has been shown that since 2004 Bosnia and Herzegovina has no intention to reimburse those savers. In those circumstances, the Court agrees with the Slovenian courts that those past inconsistencies are now irrelevant (see paragraph 38 above).


70. As to Investbanka, it had remained liable for “old” foreign-currency savings at its branches in the other successor States until 3 January 2002. On that date, the competent Serbian court made a bankruptcy order against that bank and the State guarantee of “old” foreign-currency savings in the bank and its branches was activated (see paragraph 35 above). The Court further notes that Investbanka is either entirely or to a large extent socially-owned. It has held in comparable cases against Serbia that the State is liable for debts of socially-owned companies as they are closely controlled by a Government agency (see, notably, R. Kačapor and Others v. Serbia, nos. 2269/06 et al., §§ 97-98, 15 January 2008, concerning a company mainly comprised of socially-owned capital, and Rašković and Milunović v. Serbia, nos. 1789/07 and 28058/07, § 71, 31 May 2011, as to a company comprised of both socially- and State-owned capital). The Court sees no reason to depart from that jurisprudence. Having regard also to the fact that most of the funds of Investbanka’s Tuzla branch most likely ended up in Serbia (see paragraph 27 above) and that Serbia sold all premises of that branch located in Bosnia and Herzegovina (see paragraph 28 above), the Court concludes that there are sufficient grounds to deem Serbia liable for the bank’s debt to Mr Šahdanović in the special circumstances of the present case.

71. The Court has noted the Serbian Government’s view, shared by the Slovenian Government, that Bosnia and Herzegovina benefited the most from “old” foreign-currency savings in Ljubljanska Banka Ljubljana’s and Investbanka’s branches in its territory in view of the fact that companies based in that country were granted dinar loans on very favourable terms in return for foreign currency shipped to Slovenia and Serbia (see paragraph 12 above). However, given the hyperinflation in the former SFRY and then, during the war, in Bosnia and Herzegovina, those dinar loans rapidly lost all their value, in contrast to “old” foreign-currency savings.

72. Having established that Slovenia is liable for “old” foreign-currency savings in Ljubljanska Banka Ljubljana’s Sarajevo branch and that Serbia is liable for “old” foreign-currency savings in Investbanka’s Tuzla branch, the Court must lastly examine whether the applicants’ inability to freely dispose of their “old” foreign-currency savings in those branches since 1991/92 has amounted to a violation of Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 by those States.

The explanation of the Serbian and Slovenian Governments for the delay essentially comes down to their duty to negotiate this question in good faith together with other successor States, as required by international law. Any unilateral solution would, in their view, be contrary to that duty.

73. However, the Court disagrees. The duty to negotiate does not prevent the successor States from adopting interim measures aimed at protecting the interests of savers. The Croatian Government have repaid a large part of its citizens’ “old” foreign-currency savings in Ljubljanska Banka Ljubljana’s Zagreb branch (see paragraph 32 above) and the Macedonian Government have repaid the total amount of “old” foreign-currency savings in the Skopje branch of that bank (see paragraph 39 above). At the same time, those two Governments have never abandoned their position that the Slovenian Government should eventually be held liable and have continued to claim compensation for the amounts paid at the inter-State level (notably, within the context of the succession negotiations). Although certain delays may be justified in exceptional circumstances (see, by analogy, Immobiliare Saffi v. Italy [GC], no. 22774/93, § 69, ECHR 1999-V), the Court considers that the applicants’ continued inability to freely dispose of their savings despite the 2002 collapse of the BIS negotiations conducted under the Agreement on Succession Issues and a lack of any meaningful negotiations concerning this issue thereafter is nevertheless contrary to Article 1 of Protocol No. 1.


74. Therefore, a breach of Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 by Slovenia with regard to Ms Ališić and Mr Sadžak and by Serbia with regard to Mr Šahdanović should be found, unless the applicants have failed to exhaust all domestic remedies (for the Court’s final conclusion as to this Article, see paragraph 91 below). As regards the other respondent States, no breach of that Article should be found (ibid.).


75. Article 13 of the Convention provides:

“Everyone whose rights and freedoms as set forth in [the] Convention are violated shall have an effective remedy before a national authority notwithstanding that the violation has been committed by persons acting in an official capacity.”

A. The parties’ submissions

1. The applicants

76. The applicants maintained that they did not have at their disposal in any of the respondent States an effective remedy for their complaints under Article 1 of Protocol No. 1.

2. The respondent Governments

77. The Slovenian Government submitted that the applicants had at their disposal the following remedies. First, they could have brought an action against the old Ljubljanska Banka in the Slovenian courts. That Government referred to a number of domestic judgments which had either become final before the 1997 stay of proceedings relating to the old Ljubljanska Banka’s branches in the other successor States or had been rendered after the 2009 decision declaring the stay of proceedings unconstitutional (see paragraph 38 above). Furthermore, the applicants could have brought an action against the Republic of Slovenia. In case of a negative decision on the merits or a procedural decision to stay proceedings, they would have been able to lodge a constitutional appeal. In addition, the applicants could have petitioned the Slovenian Constitutional Court to initiate abstract constitutionality review proceedings as regards the 1997-2009 stay of proceedings and/or the failure of the State to assume liability for “old” foreign-currency savings in the old Ljubljanska Banka’s Sarajevo branch. Otherwise, the applicants could have brought an action against the old Ljubljanska Banka in the Croatian courts: more than 500 clients of the old Ljubljanska Banka’s Zagreb branch had obtained judgments and 63 of them had so far been paid their “old” foreign- currency savings from a forced sale of assets of that bank located in Croatia (see paragraph 32 above).


78. The Serbian Government were also of the opinion that the applicants had at their disposal various remedies. They maintained that Mr Šahdanović should have registered his claim against Investbanka’s Tuzla branch in the bankruptcy proceedings. At the same time, that Government acknowledged that none of the clients of Investbanka’s branches situated in Bosnia and Herzegovina had been paid back their “old” foreign-currency savings within the context of those bankruptcy proceedings. They further submitted that Mr Šahdanović should have pursued civil proceedings against Investbanka in the Serbian courts. Lastly, they argued that he should have made an attempt to withdraw his savings on humanitarian grounds (see paragraph 33 above).

79. The Macedonian Government submitted that the applicants should have exhausted all domestic remedies in Serbia and Slovenia, without going into any details.

80. In contrast, the Governments of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia maintained that there were no effective remedies at the applicants’ disposal, given the stay on all proceedings concerning “old” foreign-currency savings in Ljubljanska Banka Ljubljana’s and Investbanka’s branches located in the other successor States (see paragraphs 34 and 38 above). Moreover, even if the applicants obtained decisions ordering the old Ljubljanska Banka to pay them their savings, they would most likely not be enforced because the 1994 legislation had left that bank with limited assets (see paragraph 37 above).

B. The Court’s assessment

81. The Court has held on many occasions that Article 13 guarantees the availability at national level of a remedy to enforce the substance of the Convention rights in whatever form they may happen to be secured in the domestic legal order. The effect of Article 13 is thus to require the provision of a domestic remedy to deal with the substance of an “arguable complaint” under the Convention and to grant appropriate relief. Although the scope of the Contracting States’ obligations under Article 13 varies depending on the nature of the applicant’s complaint, the remedy required by Article 13 must be effective in practice as well as in law. The “effectiveness” of a “remedy” within the meaning of Article 13 does not depend on the certainty of a favourable outcome for the applicant. Nor does the “authority” referred to in that provision necessarily have to be a judicial authority; but if it is not, its powers and the guarantees which it affords are relevant in determining whether the remedy before it is effective. Also, even if a single remedy does not by itself entirely satisfy the requirements of Article 13, the aggregate of remedies provided for under domestic law may do so (see Kudła v. Poland [GC], no. 30210/96, § 157, ECHR 2000-XI). It should be reiterated that, although there may be exceptions justified by particular circumstances of a case, the assessment of whether domestic remedies have been exhausted is normally carried out with reference to the date on which the application was lodged with the Court (see Baumann v. France, no. 33592/96, § 47, ECHR 2001-V, and Babylonová v. Slovakia, no. 69146/01, § 44, ECHR 2006-VIII). Lastly, as a general rule, applicants living outside the jurisdiction of a Contracting State are not exempted from exhausting remedies within that State (see, by analogy, Demopoulos and Others v.Turkey (dec.) [GC], nos. 46113/99, 3843/02, 13751/02, 13466/03, 10200/04, 14163/04, 19993/04 and 21819/04, § 98, ECHR 2010).


82. Turning to the present case, the Court will first examine whether an action against the old Ljubljanska Banka or the Republic of Slovenia in the Slovenian courts, a petition to the Slovenian Constitutional Court to initiate abstract constitutionality review proceedings and an action against the old Ljubljanska Banka in the Croatian courts, taken separately or together, can be considered effective domestic remedies for the inability of Ms Ališić and Mr Sadžak to freely dispose of their “old” foreign-currency savings at the old Ljubljanska Banka’s Sarajevo branch. It will then proceed to determine whether a claim to the competent bankruptcy court in Serbia, a civil action against Investbanka in the Serbian courts and an application for withdrawal on humanitarian grounds, taken separately or together, can be considered effective domestic remedies for the inability of Mr Šahdanović to freely dispose of his “old” foreign-currency savings at Investbanka’s Tuzla branch.

1. As regards the Sarajevo branch of the old Ljubljanska Banka

(a) Civil action against the old Ljubljanska Banka in the Slovenian courts

83. The Court notes that the Ljubljana District Court has rendered many judgments ordering the old Ljubljanska Banka to pay back “old” foreign-currency savings in its Sarajevo and Zagreb branches, together with interest, and that at least one such judgment, concerning exactly the Sarajevo branch, has already become final (see paragraph 38 above). However, given the fact that the 1994 legislation had left that bank with limited assets, it is uncertain whether those judgments will be enforced (see paragraph 37 above). Indeed, the Slovenian Government have failed to demonstrate that at least one such judgment has been enforced. There is therefore no evidence as of now that this remedy was capable of providing appropriate and sufficient redress to the applicants.


(b) Civil action against the Republic of Slovenia in the Slovenian courts

84. A number of clients of the Sarajevo and Zagreb branches of the old Ljubljanska Banka have pursued civil proceedings against the Republic of Slovenia. Since none of them have so far been successful (see paragraph 38 above), the Court finds that this remedy did not offer reasonable prospects of success to the applicants (see, by analogy, E.O. and V.P. v. Slovakia, nos. 56193/00 and 57581/00, § 97, 27 April 2004).

(c) Petition to the Slovenian Constitutional Court

85. The Court notes that under section 24 of the Constitutional Court Act 2007 any individual who demonstrates legal interest may petition that abstract constitutionality review proceedings be initiated (see paragraph 36 above). In the present case it is not necessary to rule on the effectiveness of this remedy in general. Even assuming that it could be effective in another context, it was not capable of providing appropriate and sufficient redress to the present applicants for the following reasons.

As to the effectiveness of a petition to the Slovenian Constitutional Court to initiate constitutionality review of the 1997-2009 stay of proceedings, it is true that such a petition of two Croatian savers has been successful in the sense that the Slovenian Constitutional Court has declared the stay of proceedings unconstitutional enabling the continuation of all civil proceedings regarding this issue (see paragraph 38 above). However, they were not awarded any compensation or any other redress. Furthermore, the fact that their civil proceedings have then resumed is not sufficient in itself to render a petition to the Constitutional Court an effective remedy since the Court has already found (see paragraphs 83 and 84 above) that civil proceedings were either not capable of providing appropriate and sufficient redress or did not offer reasonable prospects of success to the applicants.

As to the effectiveness of a petition to the Slovenian Constitutional Court to initiate constitutionality review of the provision limiting the State’s liability to “old” foreign-currency savings in the old Ljubljanska Banka’s domestic branches, that provision is incorporated in the Basic Constitutional Charter Constitutional Act 1991 which is not subject to a review by that court (see paragraph 36 above).

(d) Civil action against the old Ljubljanska Banka in the Croatian courts

86. The Court has earlier held that in cases concerning the redistribution of liability for “old” foreign-currency savings among the successor States of the SFRY, such as the present case, claimants can reasonably be expected to seek redress in fora where other claimants have been successful located in any of the successor States (see Kovačić and Others, cited above, § 265). It is true that some savers at the Zagreb branch of the old Ljubljanska Banka have been paid back their “old” foreign-currency savings from a forced sale of that bank’s assets located in Croatia (see paragraph 32 above). However, the Slovenian Government have not been able to demonstrate that any saver at the Sarajevo branch has been successful in the Croatian courts. The Court therefore considers that neither this remedy offered reasonable prospects of success to the applicants.


2. As regards the Tuzla branch of Investbanka

(a) Claim to the competent bankruptcy court in Serbia

87. Although hundreds of clients of Bosnian-Herzegovinian branches of Investbanka lodged such claims with the competent bankruptcy court, none of them has so far been successful (see paragraph 35 above). Accordingly, it follows that this remedy did not offer reasonable prospects of success to Mr Šahdanović.

(b) Civil action against Investbanka in the Serbian courts

88. While it is true that in the early 1990s a small number of savers at branches of Serbian-based banks located outside Serbia obtained judgments in the Serbian courts ordering the banks to pay their “old” foreign-currency savings (see the facts in Šekerović v. Serbia (dec.), no. 32472/03, 4 January 2006), the Serbian Government have failed to show that any such judgment had in fact been enforced before the statutory termination of all enforcement proceedings concerning this issue in 1998. Therefore, this remedy was not capable of providing appropriate and sufficient redress to Mr Šahdanović.

(c) Application for withdrawal on humanitarian grounds

89. The Court notes that “old” foreign-currency savings may have been withdrawn in the early 1990s on limited grounds, notably to cover medical or funerary expenses (see paragraph 33 above). As there is no indication, let alone proof, that Mr Šahdanović had any such expenses at the relevant time, this remedy was not available to him.

3. Conclusion

90. Having regard to the above, the applicants had no effective remedy at their disposal for their complaints under Article 1 of Protocol No. 1. As Slovenia is liable for “old” foreign-currency savings in Ljubljanska Banka Ljubljana’s Sarajevo branch and Serbia for “old” foreign-currency savings in Investbanka’s Tuzla branch (see paragraphs 68 and 70 above), the Court finds that there has been a breach of Article 13 by Slovenia with regard to Ms Ališić and Mr Sadžak and by Serbia with regard to Mr Šahdanović. As a result, it dismisses the Governments’ objections in respect of the applicants’ failure to exhaust domestic remedies (see paragraph 51 above). As regards the other respondent States, the Court finds that there has been no breach of Article 13.



91. In the light of the preliminary conclusion as to Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 set out in paragraph 74 above and the conclusion as to the applicants’ alleged failure to exhaust all domestic remedies set out in paragraph 90 above, the Court concludes that there has been a breach of Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 by Slovenia with regard to Ms Ališić and Mr Sadžak and by Serbia with regard to Mr Šahdanović. The Court further concludes that there has been no breach of that Article by any of the other respondent States.


92. Article 14 of the Convention reads as follows:

“The enjoyment of the rights and freedoms set forth in [the] Convention shall be secured without discrimination on any ground such as sex, race, colour, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, association with a national minority, property, birth or other status.”

93. The applicants alleged a breach of Article 14 taken in conjunction with Article 13 of the Convention and Article 1 of Protocol No. 1, relying in essence on the considerations underlying their complaints under the latter provisions taken alone. Having examined the Governments’ observations and having regard to its conclusions regarding Article 13 and Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 in paragraphs 90-91 above, the Court considers that there is no need to examine the matter under Article 14 taken in conjunction with those Articles as regards Serbia and Slovenia and that there has been no violation of Article 14 as regards the other respondent States.


94. The relevant part of Article 46 of the Convention reads as follows:

“1. The High Contracting Parties undertake to abide by the final judgment of the Court in any case to which they are parties.

2. The final judgment of the Court shall be transmitted to the Committee of Ministers, which shall supervise its execution. …”


A. The parties’ submissions

95. The Serbian, Slovenian and Macedonian Governments as well as the applicants objected to the application of the pilot-judgment procedure in this case. The Bosnian-Herzegovinian Government argued that the present case was suitable for that procedure as it concerned around 130,000 savers at the Sarajevo branch of the old Ljubljanska Banka, around 132,000 savers at the Zagreb branch of that bank who had not transferred their savings to Croatian banks (see paragraph 32 above) and around 132,000 savers at Investbanka’s branches in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Croatian Government maintained that it was difficult to tell, at this stage, whether the case was suitable for the pilot-judgment procedure or not.

B. The Court’s assessment

1. General principles

96. The Court reiterates that Article 46 of the Convention, as interpreted in the light of Article 1, imposes on the respondent States a legal obligation to apply, under the supervision of the Committee of Ministers, appropriate general and/or individual measures to secure the applicants’ rights which the Court found to be violated. Such measures must also be taken in respect of other persons in the applicants’ position, notably by solving the problems that have led to the Court’s findings (see Lukenda v. Slovenia, no. 23032/02, § 94, ECHR 2005-X). This obligation was consistently emphasised by the Committee of Ministers in the supervision of the execution of the Court’s judgments (see ResDH(97)336, IntResDH(99)434, IntResDH(2001)65 and ResDH(2006)1).

97. In order to facilitate effective implementation of its judgments, the Court may adopt a pilot-judgment procedure allowing it to clearly identify structural problems underlying the breaches and to indicate measures to be applied by the respondent States to remedy them (see Rule 61 of the Rules of Court and Broniowski v. Poland [GC], no. 31443/96, §§ 189-94, ECHR 2004-V). The aim of that procedure is to facilitate the speediest and most effective resolution of a dysfunction affecting the protection of the Convention rights in question in the national legal order (see Wolkenberg and Others v. Poland (dec.), no. 50003/99, § 34, ECHR 2007-XIV). While the respondent State’s action should primarily aim at the resolution of such a dysfunction and at the introduction, if necessary, of effective domestic remedies in respect of the violations in issue, it may also include ad hoc solutions such as friendly settlements with the applicants or unilateral remedial offers in line with the Convention requirements. The Court may decide to adjourn the examination of similar cases, thus giving the respondent States an opportunity to settle them in such various ways (see, among many authorities, Burdov v. Russia (no. 2), no. 33509/04, § 127, ECHR 2009). If, however, the respondent State fails to adopt such measures following a pilot judgment and continues to violate the Convention, the Court will have no choice but to resume the examination of all similar applications pending before it and to take them to judgment in order to ensure effective observance of the Convention (see E.G. v. Poland (dec.), no. 50425/99, § 28, ECHR 2008).


2. Application of the principles to the present case

98. The violations which the Court has found in this case affect many people. There are more than 1,650 similar applications, introduced on behalf of more than 8,000 applicants, pending before the Court. Accordingly, the Court considers it appropriate to apply the pilot-judgment procedure in this case, notwithstanding the parties’ objections in this regard.

99. While it is in principle not for the Court to determine what remedial measures may be appropriate to satisfy the respondent States’ obligations under Article 46 of the Convention, in view of the systemic situation which it has identified, the Court would observe that general measures at national level are undoubtedly called for in the execution of the present judgment.

Notably, Slovenia should undertake all necessary measures within six months from the date on which the present judgment becomes final in order to allow Ms Ališić, Mr Sadžak and all others in their position to be paid back their “old” foreign-currency savings under the same conditions as those who had such savings in domestic branches of Slovenian banks. Within the same time-limit, Serbia should undertake all necessary measures in order to allow Mr Šahdanović and all others in his position to be paid back their “old” foreign-currency savings under the same conditions as Serbian citizens who had such savings in domestic branches of Serbian banks.

As regards the past delays, the Court does not find it necessary, at present, to order that adequate redress be awarded to all persons affected. If, however, either Serbia or Slovenia fails to apply the general measures indicated above and continues to violate the Convention, the Court may reconsider the issue of redress in an appropriate future case against the State in question (see, by analogy, Suljagić, cited above, § 64).

100. It must be emphasised that the above orders do not apply to persons who, although in the same position as the present applicants, have been paid their entire “old” foreign-currency savings by other successor States, such as those who were able to withdraw their “old” foreign-currency savings on humanitarian grounds (see paragraphs 17 and 33 above), or to use them in the privatisation process (see paragraph 22 above), and those who were paid their savings in Ljubljanska Banka Ljubljana’s Zagreb and Skopje branches by the Croatian and Macedonian Governments (see paragraphs 32 and 39 above). Serbia and Slovenia may therefore exclude such persons from their repayment schemes. However, if only a part of one’s “old” foreign-currency savings has thus been paid, Serbia and Slovenia are now liable for the rest (Serbia for “old” foreign-currency savings in all branches of Serbian banks and Slovenia for such savings in all branches of Slovenian banks, regardless of the location of a branch and of the citizenship of a depositor concerned).


101. Lastly, the Court adjourns the examination of all similar cases for six months from the date on which the present judgment becomes final (see, by analogy, Suljagić, cited above, § 65). This decision is without prejudice to the Court’s power at any moment to declare inadmissible any such case or to strike it out of its list in accordance with the Convention.


102. Article 41 of the Convention provides:

“If the Court finds that there has been a violation of the Convention or the Protocols thereto, and if the internal law of the High Contracting Party concerned allows only partial reparation to be made, the Court shall, if necessary, afford just satisfaction to the injured party.”

A. Damage

103. The applicants claimed the payment of their “old” foreign-currency savings with interest in respect of pecuniary damage. The Court has already made orders in this regard in paragraph 99 above.
104. Each of the applicants further claimed 4,000 euros (EUR) in respect of non-pecuniary damage. The Bosnian-Herzegovinian, Croatian, Serbian and Macedonian Governments argued that the claims were unjustified. The Court, however, accepts that the applicants sustained some non-pecuniary loss arising from the violations of the Convention found in this case. Making its assessment on an equitable basis, as required by Article 41 of the Convention, it awards the amounts claimed (that is, EUR 4,000 to Ms Ališić and the same amount to Mr Sadžak to be paid by Slovenia and EUR 4,000 to Mr Šahdanović to be paid by Serbia).

B. Costs and expenses

105. The applicants also claimed EUR 59,500 for the costs and expenses incurred before the Court. The Bosnian-Herzegovinian, Croatian, Serbian and Macedonian Governments maintained that the claim was excessive and unsubstantiated. According to the Court’s case-law, an applicant is entitled to the reimbursement of costs and expenses only in so far as it has been shown that these have been actually and necessarily incurred and are reasonable as to quantum. That is, the applicant must have paid them, or be bound to pay them, pursuant to a legal or contractual obligation, and they must have been unavoidable in order to prevent the violation found or to obtain redress. The Court requires itemised bills and invoices that are sufficiently detailed to enable it to determine to what extent the above requirements have been met. Since no bill of costs has been submitted in the present case, the Court rejects this claim.


C. Default interest

106. The Court considers it appropriate that the default interest rate should be based on the marginal lending rate of the European Central Bank, to which should be added three percentage points.


1. Dismisses by six votes to one the Governments’ objections as to the applicants’ failure to exhaust domestic remedies;

2. Holds unanimously that there has been a violation of Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 to the Convention by Serbia with regard to Mr Šahdanović;

3. Holds by six votes to one that there has been a violation of Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 to the Convention by Slovenia with regard to Ms Ališić and Mr Sadžak;

4. Holds unanimously that there has been no violation of Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 to the Convention by the other respondent States;

5. Holds unanimously that there has been a violation of Article 13 of the Convention by Serbia with regard to Mr Šahdanović;

6. Holds by six votes to one that there has been a violation of Article 13 of the Convention by Slovenia with regard to Ms Ališić and Mr Sadžak;

7. Holds unanimously that there has been no violation of Article 13 of the Convention by the other respondent States;

8. Holds unanimously that there is no need to examine the complaint under Article 14 of the Convention taken in conjunction with Article 13 of the Convention and Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 with regard to Serbia and Slovenia and that there has been no violation of Article 14 of the Convention taken in conjunction with Article 13 of the Convention and Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 with regard to the other respondent States;


9. Holds unanimously that the failure of the Serbian and Slovenian Governments to include the present applicants and all others in their position in their respective schemes for the repayment of “old” foreign-currency savings represents a systemic problem;

10. Holds unanimously that Serbia must undertake all necessary measures within six months from the date on which the present judgment becomes final in accordance with Article 44 § 2 of the Convention in order to allow Mr Šahdanović and all others in his position to be paid back their “old” foreign-currency savings under the same conditions as Serbian citizens who had such savings in domestic branches of Serbian banks;

11. Holds by six votes to one that Slovenia must undertake all necessary measures within six months from the date on which the present judgment becomes final in accordance with Article 44 § 2 of the Convention in order to allow Ms Ališić, Mr Sadžak and all others in their position to be paid back their “old” foreign-currency savings under the same conditions as those who had such savings in domestic branches of Slovenian banks;

12. Decides unanimously to adjourn, for six months from the date on which the present judgment becomes final, the examination of all similar cases, without prejudice to the Court’s power at any moment to declare inadmissible any such case or to strike it out of its list in accordance with the Convention;

13. Holds unanimously

(a) that Serbia is to pay Mr Šahdanović, within three months from the date on which the present judgment becomes final in accordance with Article 44 § 2 of the Convention, EUR 4,000 (four thousand euros) in respect of non-pecuniary damage, plus any tax that may be chargeable;

(b) that from the expiry of the above-mentioned three months until settlement simple interest shall be payable on the above amount at a rate equal to the marginal lending rate of the European Central Bank during the default period plus three percentage points;

14. Holds by six votes to one

(a) that Slovenia is to pay Ms Ališić and Mr Sadžak, within three months from the date on which the present judgment becomes final in accordance with Article 44 § 2 of the Convention, EUR 4,000 (four thousand euros) each in respect of non-pecuniary damage, plus any tax that may be chargeable;

(b) that from the expiry of the above-mentioned three months until settlement simple interest shall be payable on the above amount at a rate equal to the marginal lending rate of the European Central Bank during the default period plus three percentage points;


15. Dismisses unanimously the remainder of the applicants’ claim for just satisfaction.

Done in English, and notified in writing on 6 November 2012, pursuant to Rule 77 §§ 2 and 3 of the Rules of Court.

Lawrence Early Nicolas Bratza
Registrar President

In accordance with Article 45 § 2 of the Convention and Rule 74 § 2 of the Rules of Court, the separate opinion of Judge Zupančič is annexed to this judgment.




I regret that I cannot follow the majority judgment. For a number of reasons, only some of which are outlined in this dissent, it is my considered opinion that the outcome of this judgment by the ad hoc Chamber will, before the Grand Chamber, most certainly prove not to be in accordance with the letter and the spirit of the Convention.

If we begin with the Protocol No. 1, Article 1, paragraph 1 provision of the Convention, we see that its purpose is to protect bona fide possessions, legitimate expectations, arguable claims, etc. However, in this case we are, in the final analysis, safeguarding the speculative impact and the defects of a Communist state-run pyramid scheme of state-wide proportions. The scheme had been set up by the now defunct Yugoslav regime—then in dire need of hard currency funds. More importantly and from the moral point of view, since the LB bank and/or the Republic of Slovenia had not set up this Ponzi scheme, they are decidedly not the Madoffs of the story!

In the worst case scenario, in which the LB Bank and by implication the Republic of Slovenia were to be liable for the, to put it bluntly, “theft” of the depositors’ money –, it would still not make sense to reimburse the depositors with the absurd 12% on the initial deposits. Ethically speaking, this share of the reimbursement claim had been a speculation of the naïve, as usual, investors in the said Communist Ponzi scheme.

In banking and in similar succession situations, the territorial principle applied and implemented in order to reimburse debts owed in a particular country, mirrors the well-known economic consideration that the moneys received from depositors’ deposits are invested, in terms of the so-called ‘book money’, in the very territory in which the bank had been functioning as a debtor vis-à-vis the bank’s depositors, but especially as a creditor vis-à- vis numerous enterprises that the same bank had concurrently financed through its loans. The majority judgment, to put it differently, is in violation of the territorial principle.

The territorial principle maintains that the creditors – i.e., the savers of the bank – are to be reimbursed for their deposits in the region, area or territory in which the compounded commercial loans derived from their deposits were in fact extended to different enterprises. As put in the oft-cited and seminal article on the Yugoslav succession: “[…] the territorial principle clearly serves as the general rule on state succession related to tangible movable property.” (see, Carsten Stahn, Agreement on Succession Issues of the Former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, 96 Am. J. Int’l L. 379 (2002)). We shall see straightaway why this is logical and therefore fair.

One must understand that all banks have always been functioning in this mode of speculative assessment of their future risks, based on which the depositors’ money is multiplied in a virtual fashion in extending the loans far beyond the capital of initial deposits (‘book money’). ‘Virtual’ here means that the ‘book money’ is literally borrowed from the future and is in this sense ‘virtual money’.


Thus the hard-currencies deposited and converted into the ‘book money’ were extended as credit to enterprises in the territory or to the individual in the territory that were willing and capable of repaying and to paying a normal interest rate on the loan they were taking from the bank. Of course, the interest paid may never be as high as 12%. This tends to prove that the said pyramid scheme – was just that.

This well-known mode of banking, however, is to be seen in the light of the then moribund Marković government and in the light of the impending financial and federal state breakdown, of which the very Communist hard- currency Ponzi scheme had been a clear warning sign for all to see and to take into account.

It is also obvious that any ‘run on the bank’ will immediately end in the bankruptcy of the bank. Every bank is essentially a speculative delay operation as is also true of every pyramid scheme, Ponzi scheme, etc. — except that in honest banking the loan–repayment cycle is realistic. Thus, for example, the Tudjman regime in Croatia abruptly closed down the LB Bank on its territory, which had implied – as it would for any bank – an immediate liquidation of the LB Bank. In such a situation, all the debts of all the depositors are instantly called in, whereas the loans are still in the long-term process of repayment. In other words, the closing of the bank by the fiat of the regime will cause an immediate default of the bank – especially vis-à-vis its individual depositors, creditors.

The territorial principle denotes the dynamic view of the banking function: it is guided by the idea that the determinative aspect of the bank’s function is its continual placement of its own loans in a particular territory. When the territory in question is therefore considered to be the main criterion for repayment, this has its own justified logic that cannot be comprehended from the simple private law perspective of Article 1, paragraph 1 of Protocol No. 1.

In the event that the bank is unable to repay its depositors, only depositors from that territory, irrespective of their citizenship, etc. will be covered by the state guarantee –, for the obvious macroeconomic reason that the book money originally derived from the depositors’ deposits has in fact been invested and has stayed in the territory in question. There it had stimulated economic activity, etc.

It thus makes sense, when the talk is of succession, that the successor states likewise cover their territories with their guarantees as the central authority, in this case the Central Bank in Belgrade, had not fulfilled its own guaranteeing function. If such is the logic, it is easy to understand that it also makes sense for the six successor States to underwrite their depositors’ claims – each one on its own territory.


This is in fact what happened at least to some extent, i.e., in so far as Croatia has largely reimbursed the depositors of the LB Bank on its territory. One might ask the question whether the State of Croatia has done this out of pure good heartedness vis-à-vis their own citizens –, or has there perhaps been in this move a built-in macroeconomic justice, which the Croatian state when coming into being has duly taken into consideration. In other words, were it not for the logic of the territorial principle in the first place, why would the Croatian state take over part of the debt of LB Bank for all those citizens who wished to be reimbursed by the Croatian state?

In any event, the logic of the territorial principle is obvious on both sides of this case. We wish to reiterate the simple idea that individualised justice, as considered by Protocol No. 1, has its fully compatible complement in Aristotle’s distributive justice built into the territorial principle.

In pectore, I have for many years harboured another question because there is another travesty in this case: viz. the issue in the present adversary setting is thoroughly miscomprehended. The dispute is confused because this is not, as it ought to be, an interstate case. Unmistakeably, the atypical private law issue would in the interstate adversary backdrop have rightly developed into an expected, natural, and logical interstate succession issue. This would result in a far clearer perspective on the case. Why is it that not one of the respondent States has filed, in the European Court of Human Rights, an interstate action against the Republic of Slovenia? Why is it that the respondent States hide behind the individual complainants when everything points to the fact that these are succession questions? I think the answer is clear.

Another of my major objections to this majority judgment derives from the actual composition of the present ad hoc Chamber, in which four of the members, i.e., a simple majority at least, are from the creditor states, one of the members is from a fellow debtor state, whereas there are only two other members of the panel who are not, in one sense or another, national judges in the case. We understand perfectly well the usual procedural logic of the Convention to the effect that the national judge of the country concerned must in all cases be a member of the panel in order to facilitate the assessment of the case. However, in a situation in which we have seven successor States addressing what is essentially a succession problem, the logic of the presence of the national judge in each particular case will result in an ad hoc composition, as in the present one, in which the plaintiffs’ ‘representatives’ have a clear majority over the influence of the defendants’ ‘representatives’. This is absurd since it was discernible from the very beginning that the interests of the plaintiffs will instruct the outcome of the ad hoc casu majority judgment. Fortunately, the Convention’s sacrosanct separate opinion philosophy will here save the day in as much as the case clearly must be examined in the Grand Chamber. In the Grand Chamber, the composition with the presence of all national judges will be attenuated in the group of 17 judges, i.e., the bearing of the plaintiff’s interests will likewise be less decisive. I wish to emphasise, that I have no doubts about my colleagues’ impartiality, while keeping in mind of course that conscious impartiality when it comes to contemplating national interests has its own objective confines. However, even if it were not for the numeric prevalence in the ad hoc casu panel as such, the so-called ‘appearances’ will make it obvious that such a panel will not, to the outside world, appear objective and impartial.


For years I have maintained, and still do, that the issue in this case is best documented in the now famous Professor Jürgen’s Report (Repayment of the deposits of foreign exchange made in the offices of the Ljubljanska Banka not on the territory of Slovenia, 1977-1991, Doc. 10135, 14 April 2004, Report, Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights, Rapporteur: Mr Erik Jürgens, Netherlands). The sense of the report, at 20 & 21, is as follows:

“The economic conclusion must be that the original deposits had, in 1991, in fact ceased to exist. The depositors had, attracted by the high interest rates, run a risk by depositing their money in banks within the SFRY. When this risk was recognised, they were reassured by the guarantee given by the SFRY government that the deposits would be repaid with accumulated interest. But this guarantee evaporated at the moment the SFRY was dissolved, unless and inasmuch the successor states were willing to take over this guarantee. This was duly realised, but the different successor states did it in different ways. Slovenia […] took over the guarantee for FE savings deposited in banks on its territory, expecting the other republics to do the same.”

The timing of this judgment is particularly bad because negotiations between Slovenia and Croatia at least are now moving forward and are run by expert bankers of the two countries who understand the problem. The judgment will be misunderstood as final and it will be as a matter of course and on both sides politically misinterpreted.

If one considers paragraph 58 of the judgment in which the Slovenian government criticised Croatia for having refused to resolve the issue by IMF arbitration in 1999; for having refused to discuss it in the standing joint committee; for having agreed to continue Bank for International Settlements negotiations, allegedly under the pressure of the EU only in 2010; for having reneged on that offer after the closure of the EU accession negotiations in 2011; and lastly for making it impossible for LB Bank Zagreb Branch to engage in regular banking activities and thus generate additional assets (see para. 58 of the majority judgment). These allegations of the Slovenian government have not been properly answered by the Croatian government, neither have they been addressed by the majority judgment. It follows inexorably that the villain in this story is not Slovenia, because Slovenia has tried at least five times to decently negotiate this succession problem with Croatia – but to no avail. Of course, it is impossible to know whether this time, despite everything, the Croatian government is serious or not. One would hope at least that this time the negotiations could in fact move forward because, as pointed out above, they are now run by two experts who understand the problem. Moreover, Croatia’s entry into the European Union is conditioned upon the success of these negotiations. We reiterate that the judgment is badly timed because it will create a political impression as to who is now in the winning position, despite the fact that the case might be going to the Grand Chamber, and needs no longer to show benevolence and a constructive attitude in the ongoing negotiations.


In this context, we must call attention to the essence of the Kovačič case judgment, which was before the Grand Chamber on a pure technicality, and carries its real message in the concurring opinion of the former judge, Professor George Ress, a world-renowned specialist in international law, i.e., a specialist on succession. In Kovačič, the question had not been addressed in the judgment, but Professor Ress had articulated the message in his concurring opinion. That message was essentially the same as the one found in the Jürgen report, i.e., that the issue cannot be properly resolved by a judgment between private parties and the State. Unless this was to be an interstate case, it can only be resolved by negotiations in the context of a future succession agreement.



Jedan javni prijedlog HSK-a



Na tragu spomena koji su hrvatski prognanici i prezivjeli pojedinci Bleiburga i Kriznog puta cuvali u Austriji od zavrsetka Drugog svjetskog rata, ali i u duhu onoga sto smo u ime Hrvatskog svjetskog kongresa (HSK) davno potakli kao i onoga sto je dosad tamo ucinjeno, dolazimo s prijedlogom koji bi trebao voditi prema upotpunjenju i zavrsetku izgradnje spomen-obiljezja na Bleiburgu.

Kad vec imamo na Bleiburgu dobar vlastiti komad zemlje, drzimo da bi tu jos trebalo

izgraditi jednostavne prostore za prikladan prijem posjetitelja i/ili hodocasnika, te

ako se nakon temeljitog promisljanja ucini potrebnim, osigurati boravak za par osoba, medju njima i jednoga svecenika, a koje bi bile na raspolaganju za duhovno-kulturne potrebe posjetiteljima i/ili hodocasnicima.

Stoga smatramo nuznim da se pocne s ostvarenjem ovoga projekta, primjerice, s imenovanjem strucnjaka koji bi odmah poceli oblikovati sadrzaj “Malog hrvatskog duhovno-kulturnog centra s crkvom na Bleiburgu”. On bi uz skromnu multifunkcionalnu crkvu, mogao ukljuciti, ako se pokaze potrebnim, i stan za par osoba, koje bi tu stanovale ili cesto tamo dolazile, neku vrstu dvorane (odmoriste, prismok i sl.) barem za dva-tri autobusa posjetitelja, pa visenamjenski muzejsko-izlozbeni prostor, te higijenske prostorije.

Zapravo ono, sto je ovakvom jednom susretistu potrebito, bez pretjerivanja s gradjevinskim prostorom, imajuci u vidu da ce to trebati uzdrzavati. Vjerujemo, da bi se uvijek naslo u nasoj Crkvi i narodu par prikladnih osoba koje bi se mogle na jedno vrijeme obvezati svojim boravkom, molitvom i nazocnoscu podgrijavati vjecnu vatru na Bleiburgu i biti na usluzi posjetiteljima. Crkva bi mogla biti posvecena, primjerice, Gospi tjesiteljici, Kraljici mira, Zalosnoj Gospi ili sl.

Kad bi se tako nesto osiguralo, sigurno bi tu preko cijele godine ili u odredjeno dogovoreno vrijeme dolazili posjetitelji, od raznoraznih skupina odraslih do ministranata, krizmanika i ostale skolske djece, koje bi tu trebalo s onim najosnovnijim docekati i primiti.

Nije lako doci ni na samu ideju za nesto, ali ovdje je najvaznije da iza ovoga projekta stane netko s moralnim i duhovnim autoritetom pred cijelim nasim narodom. Kako je nekoliko casnih hrvatskih emigranata koji simbolicno cine Pocasni Bleiburski vod vec preslo 80-tu godinu zivota, a hrvatske drzavne vlasti ocito nisu na recenoj razini, ipak bi – medju svim nasim slabima najbolje bilo da, uz sve moguce prigovore, ovaj crkveno-nacionalni projekt povedu hrvatski biskupi (HBK i BKBiH), naravno, uz dogovor i sudionistvo odgovarajucih hrvatskih drzavnih ustanova.

U tom slucaju mislimo da ne bi zapelo na financiranju ovoga projekta. Pod vodstvom nasih biskupa mislimo da bi malo koja hrvatska zupa i misija u domovini i u hrvatskom izvandomovinstvu sa svojim vjernicima odbila svoju pomoc. Bilo bi tu darova pojedinaca i sponzora, a sto osjecamo medju clanovima HSK-a koji djeluje u vise od tridesetak drzava svijeta. Osim toga, ne bi to trebao biti projekt samo Hrvata vjernika!

Uz to, gradnja niposto ne bi smjela spadati u skupe crkveno-nacionalne objekte, vec vidno skromna i prakticna, odvijala bi se bez pritiska zurbe i u vremenskom ritmu stvarnih mogucnosti dobrocinitelja i mogucih donatora. Njome se nikoga ne bi smjelo optereti, posebice ne u ovim vremenima krize i jos vaznijih potreba nasega naroda, primjerice, iskorjenjivanja siromastva u HR i BiH.

Nadalje, ovo mjesto bi moglo imati za posjetitelje i/ili hodocasnike, izmedju ostalog, dvije vazne dimenzije. Na jednoj strani, bilo bi to mjesto mira, molitve, pijeteta, cuvanja uspomene, sredisnje mjesto posjeta i/ili hodocasca svim hrvatskim zrtvama Bleiburga i Kriznog puta. Na drugoj strani, bilo bi to mjesto brige, promisljanja i molitve za pravedni mir i blagostanje medju ljudima i narodima na ovom nasem planetu, za sve zrtve svirepih progonstva i nepravdi, a kojih uvijek ima i, nazalost, jos ce ih dugo biti.

O ovome sam osobno razgovarao s nekoliko hrvatskih biskupa i jedan bi se vrlo rado sam angazirao na ostvarivanju ovoga cilja. Ali eto, dobro bi bilo cuti o ovome prijedlogu i glas javnosti, pa radi toga ovo najprije javno pred nju i iznosimo.

Fra Simun Sito Coric,
glasnogovornik Hrvatskog svjetskog kongresa (HSK)

Solothurn, 7. listopada 2010

Hrvatski svjetski kongres (HSK)