Dana 15. siječnja 1992. godine, Hrvatska je službeno priznata od strane Europske zajednice (danas Europska unija), što je bio ključan korak u međunarodnom priznanju hrvatske državnosti. Ovaj dan ima veliko povijesno značenje za Hrvatsku, jer je označio početak njezinog punopravnog članstva u međunarodnoj zajednici.
Mayor of the City of Vancouver
April 9th, 2024
The Honorable Ken Sim
Mayor of the City of Vancouver
453 West 12th Avenue
Vancouver, British Columbia, V5Y 1V4
Re: Independence Day of the Republic of Croatia – May 30th
Request for Raising the Flag of the Republic of Croatia
Dear Mayor Sim,
On behalf of the Canadian-Croatian Congress, I am writing to kindly request that the City of Vancouver fly the official Flag of the Republic of Croatia in recognition of Croatia’s Independence Day, celebrated on May 30th. We respectfully ask that the flag be raised for one week, from Friday, May 26th, 2024, to Saturday, June 3rd, 2024.
The Croatian community in Vancouver takes great pride in its heritage and contributions to the cultural diversity of our city. Raising the Croatian flag during this period would be a meaningful gesture of recognition and solidarity with the Croatian-Canadian community as we celebrate this important national day.
Thank you for considering this request. We deeply appreciate your support and look forward to your positive response. Please feel free to contact me at [insert contact information] if you require any additional details.
Yours sincerely,
Ivan Curman
Canadian-Croatian Congress
Proslavimo zajedno priznavanje Hrvatske 15. siječanj 2024. godine

Sretna Nova 2024. Godina

Sretan Božić 2023. godine

Komemoracija za prvog Hrvatskog Predsjednika dr. Franjo Tuđmana u Vancouveru 2023. godine

Veleposlanik Republike Hrvatske Ottawa

Veleposlanstvo u Vancouveru 2004

Croatian Embassy

Konzularni Dani u Vancouveru B.C.